Okay I have a million new things (okay maybe a dozen) to post about. The majority of our wedding invitations are mailed out so I can start to relax again and get out of lurker mode. For those of you who don’t know we are getting married August 23, 2008. I graduated from college the first week of June and took my board exams a couple weeks later. Then I started working full time and planning the wedding! All I ask is that for those of you who do read this blog please hold on a little longer. I plan to revamp the design here when I get a chance. Originally I wanted this blog to center around the farm and what Brian & I do as a couple. Now that I am finding more and more great blogs that I enjoy reading I think I am going to change the angle here to be more from just my point of view and discuss the things that I feel are important. Of course the farm happenings will still be incorporated since they are a huge, wonderful part of my life.
Anyway, I enjoy learning and reading more about how to live a “greener” lifestyle. I was raised to recycle, compost, turn the tv off, garden, etc. Now I am working on the finer points of this lifestyle. One important thing we can all do is give eco-friendly gifts. When I was invited to a good friend’s baby shower I wanted to find something to give her that would help get the baby off to a great, healthy start.
Here is what I put together:
Seventh Generation Chlorine-Free Baby Wipes
Seventh Generation Baby Laundry Liquid Detergent
Seventh Generation Chlorine-Free Baby Diapers
Classy Kid Keep Me Tidy Clean & Green Biodegradable Diaper Sacks
Kiddopotomus & Co. Organic Dot Swaddle
Medela Single Bottle
Medela Nipples: Medium Flow
Green Is The New Black onesie: This is not the same one that I gave as a gift. The one I found was a natural color and made of Organic cotton.
I found all of these items at Babies R’ Us. The Mom registered for the swaddle and I just took it from there. She did register for the Medela nursing system so I picked up the extra bottle and next stage of nipples for that. Total cost was around $55 with the diapers on sale. She seemed happy with it and a few other guests commented that it was a neat idea. One person asked me where I found all those cool products and I was glad I could say they are all available at Babies R’ Us! This theme could carry over in to any kind of gift. Happy Shopping! 🙂
You can find a lot of organic sheets, clothing, etc. as well. It tends to be about double in cost (even at Babies R Us) but some people find it worth the expense.>>I’d also recommend a book on making homemade baby food. Not as difficult or time consuming as you think, and I’m a working mom!