Don’t know where to start – there was a fire at the farm here today. Half of our big shed is ruined along with the big lean-to we added on last fall. Thank god for our dogs, we were trying to sleep in this morning and they saw the fire out the window and barked until we woke up. It was too late to stop the fire but we saved all the cattle, the tractors, and the hay. Losses include all of the corn and oats we had kept to feed and heat our house, plus our planter and multiple gravity wagons/corn wagons. Our friends and neighbors have already rallied around us and helped in every way possible. We are so grateful.
I took some video of the damage today so I’ll be posting that if I can get it to load properly. I figured this will be a part of the farm’s history and we might as well record it to show our kids someday. It just feels like I’ve been punched in the stomach. I’ll be posting updates in the coming days.

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0 Responses

  1. Wow, that’s horrible! I hope you have insurance. Thank goodness you saved as much as you did-losng the livestock would have terrible, but, of course, now you need feed for them. I’ll be thinking of you!

  2. I am so sorry to hear that. I’m glad everyone is okay…but I can’t imagine what it must feel like. I’m glad you were able to save what you did. You’re in my thoughts…

  3. OH Jena I’m so sorry! My family’s 300+ year old barn burned down in the 1970’s when my parents were dating. They were a dairy farm then and most of their cows died in the fire or had to be shot, which of course was terrible since they were pets. I’m so thankful that you were able to save your animals. It turned out that it was faulty wiring that started that fire. How scary!!!

  4. My heart goes out to you Jena, your husband, and your family. I know how devastating a barn fire can be because we experienced the same here in Connecticut many years ago. I see that Abbie (my daughter) already commented about it, knowing all the details even though it happened before she was born, so you’re right in that it’s part of the family’s farm history. Ours was also due to faulty wiring, but I’m so glad to hear that you were able to save your animals. I vividly remember that day on my husband’s farm (before we were married, just dating) but I came down to see charred embers, a massive, historic barn in ashes. The worse was when my boyfriend (Abbie’s future father) told me how he had to put his prized bull, “Pumpkin Puss,” out of his suffering, because he was so badly burned. Those pictures are etched into my memory to this day as I know yours will be for years to come.How nice that you have friends around to help and that you were able to save your animals. We’re thinking of you!

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