Conferences and Seminars

We have a busy month planned so I thought I would share the long list of conferences going on this winter in my area. I’m not sure how many Michigan readers I have but in any case maybe this will motivate others to look for educational opportunities in their area. I’ve included links when I […]

How Do You Start Your Seedlings?

I am happy to be back to blogging after the holiday. I meant to leave a more upbeat post up over Christmas but have been having a lot of trouble with my internet connection and therefore gave up. I have some nice Christmas pics to post and I’d like to share what gifts we gave […]

Respect on the Road

It sure is time to cuddle up and settle in around here. We’ve had one blizzard after another and it is still snowing. Friday was so bad that a lot of businesses in town closed. The other girls at work left early and so did I. Blizzards like this affect our household a lot because […]

If The Economy Is So Bad….?

If the economy is so bad, why is it so incredibly hard to find good service? My husband and I continue to be amazed at the crappy service we receive from businesses. I guess since things are “so bad” I would expect businesses to step it up a notch and do everything they can to […]

Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree…

Not much time this morning but I thought I’d post a few pics of our visit to the local Christmas tree farm on Sunday. We had fun posing and got some cute pics of our friend’s mules. This will probably be our last Blue Spruce. At half the price, the Scotch Pine is sounding better […]

A Twinge of Self-Sufficiency

I like to play this game where I try to stock up enough food and staples that I don’t have to go grocery shopping for a long time. After a lot of practice I finally got to where the only things on the list were dairy products such as milk, cheese slices, cheese sticks, and […]

Pumpkin Pie Squares

Abbie over at Farmer’s Daughter is hosting a Christmas Cookie Recipe Swap! I’m excited to check out everyone recipes. Here’s my first contribution. Pumpkin Pie SquaresRecipe taken from Farm Journal’s Best-Ever Cookies by Patricia A. Ward. 1 c. sifted flour1/2 c. quick-cooking oats1/2 c brown sugar, packed1/2 c. butter1 (16-oz.) can mashed pumpkin (2 c.) […]

Homemade, Last Minute, Cute, Kinda Green Christmas Cards!

Okay so this morning I started shopping around for Christmas cards online. I’ve done this many times in the past few months and always got discouraged because the recycled cards are sooo expensive. I was going to give up on that idea and instead created a cute card with some caricatures of my family on […]

Sunday Stroll

It feels good to be out strolling again today. It was still very cold as we’ve been getting storms all week but at least the winds died down and the sun came out. I couldn’t resist getting some more pictures of the horses while I was breaking their ice. The rest are mostly views from […]


Wow – what a great blogging community this is! I can’t express how wonderful everyone has been by leaving wonderful comments here. So, you can imagine how touched I was to receive The Lemonade Award – twice! From my understanding, this award is meant for people who are positive, show gratitude, and of course: make […]