Alright, here’s the recipe for homemade garlic shells that I’ve been using. My friend at work gave me the idea and the basic ingredients. I’ve been experimenting with it and like the results. My husband and I both like the Lipton garlic noodles in the bag but they are expensive and full of preservatives and other junk. I doubt I am saving much because this recipe uses heavy whipping cream, but when all the ingredients are purchased on sale (or if you have a family cow!) it should work out to about the same, plus you know where it was made. The recipe is not real exact but tweak it to your liking and it will turn out fine.
The taste is a little bit sweeter than I was used to at first. However, today Brian made the bagged kind again and they tasted quite bland to me. I guess taste buds adjust pretty quickly!
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1-2 cups milk or water
1 Tbsp butter or margarine
Garlic powder or salt
Parsley for color
Medium sea shells (pasta)
Pour the heavy whipping cream in a medium saucepan. Add 1-2 cups water or milk (or a combination of the two). I add about 1 1/2 cups initially and a little more if the noodles start to stick later. Add the butter and a generous portion of garlic seasoning. We’ve been using Lawry’s garlic salt with parsley in it plus I add a little extra parsley for color.
Bring contents to a boil, then add noodles. I’m sorry I’ve never measured them, I just eye it. A little less than 1/2 of a 1 lb. box works well for two of us, sometimes with a little left over.
I turn the heat down and just simmer the noodles until tender. This is the point where you may need to add a little more water or milk if the noodles start to stick. Once the noodles are tender turn the heat off and let the sauce thicken for 5 minutes or so. I you find that you’ve added too much liquid you can always stir in a little cornstarch for thickening before turning the heat off.
Enjoy! These are really good with pork chops or a basic chicken dish. Let me know if you try it.
Thanks! I’ll try these soon.
No problem. Enjoy!