I’m away from home at the Michigan Vet Conference this weekend. I want to get a post up but don’t feel like saying a lot so I thought it would be a good time to post some pictures. These are all from the last few months (some are from fall). I’ll take advantage of the hotel’s wireless and upload these now instead of fighting with my connection at home. Enjoy!

Brian’s grader, our grain setup in the background.

Our first batch of Seventh Generation TP, Maci apparently wanted it out of the box!

The TP neatly stacked in the cabinet. We really like it BTW.

Sam doesn’t help much when I’m sewing.

Our Christmas tree with all western ornaments this year.

It is hard to see but look close: you can see Maci’s paw about to clock Baxter upside the head, and him about to fight back. They box all the time!

He crammed himself behind the printer to recuperate.

And they’re friends again…usually not this cozy.

This is from early fall. Brian built this calf shelter in one day. I had mixed feelings about treated lumber and decided it is better for us than replacing/rebuilding every few years. I was so proud of him. 🙂

My first every meat loaf. I’ll post the recipe someday. It was a special request from Brian when I announced that I’d like to start making a meal plan. He said it “tasted like meatloaf” which is what I was going for!

Our new logo, many hours in the making. What do you think?

An interesting pic I thought, it shows how badly we need to insulate around our basement.

Brian’s latest project – a new sheep feeder!! We used the plans found here and he made it in just an hour or two. Works great and saves a lot of hay waste.

Rocky & Shady, our two Arabians.

Pistol & Pooh Bear, relaxing in the sun.

They have hay 24/7. That is how they stay warm. They have been doing great even in this extreme weather, with only a couple wind blocks. The four of them can eat a round bale in 2 or 3 days in this kind of weather.

This is a typical Sunday, when we’re lucky.

Funny, I have similar pictures in all four seasons now. Don’t believe what you hear – chewing is not always a phase!! 🙂

I hope you enjoyed getting a glimpse in to our life during the past few months. It can be kind of crazy around here but we (usually) think it is worth it. How do these pictures compare to scenes from your own life? Which pictures do you like and want to know more about/see more of?

I’ll have a more substantial post up sometime soon!

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0 Responses

  1. Great pictures, Jena. I love the dog/cat love/hate relationship! and I think the logo is good- very simple, but it gets the point across.

  2. I like the logo!It’s nice to see progress over time, and I of course love to see the animal pictures!

  3. Love all the pix, especially the animals! Your logo is GREAT; there’s so much to be said about tradition and I like the take on “building on tradition!”

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