I’m a little behind on this one but at last, have the time and motivation to post on it. I first heard of the Howling Hill Seed Swap over at Children in the Corn. Both are great blogs with tons of useful information. Head over and check them out if you haven’t already.

Anyway, the basic idea is that an envelope of seeds is sent around. You can take what you want as long as you put back in the same amount of seeds. They have to be non-GMO seeds.

I received the package from Becca at BrightHaven Times, all the way from Florida! Her blog is new to me and looks to be quite interesting. The package is already on the way over to Farm Mom (of Children in the Corn, linked above) – she should have it early this week.

Above is the picture of what I selected to keep for myself. Since I already have most of my veggie seeds and have been putting off starting an herb garden I mostly took some herbs seeds. Now I have no excuse not to start growing my own herbs to flavor our food. I chose 8 partial packets in all:

Common Sage
Roman Chamomile
Rose-colored Snapdragon

Mmmm I can almost taste a home-raised Cilantro marinated steak already! All the seeds I put in came from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. They are pictured below and include:

Long purple eggplant
Marketmore 76 cukes
Chelsea watermelon
Waltham 29 broccoli
Black Beauty zucchini
Moon & Stars watermelon
Sugar Baby watermelon
Danvers 126 Half Long carrots

Keep on eye on Howling Hill’s blog if you’d like to join in next time. It is great fun, I’m glad I joined in!

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0 Responses

  1. What a cool idea!I’m going to work hard to save seeds this year, and it would be cool to participate in such a swap!Last year I only saved flower seeds, but to be honest, flowers seem to cost the most money since I bought flats last year for the most part instead of starting my own. This is so much more frugal!

  2. FD – I’m the same way, hoping to save most of my own seeds this year. Last year I didn’t save anything except carrots. I didn’t even try to save any since I was trying out some different varieties and didn’t want them mixing. This year I’ve narrowed most things down to the variety I like so I can start saving. Flowers are expensive! I’ve always said if I can’t eat it I’m not wasting time growing it, but I guess I <>am<> going to do some flowers this year. We’ll see. 😉

  3. One link was put in incorrect. It read as “http://beckerfarms.blogspot.com/www.rareseeds.com” instead of correct “www.rareseeds.com”. I couldn’t open that link the way you put it in. I had to delete your blog address to get it to work.

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