As many of you know, Brian & I bought his family’s farm around Labor Day of 2007. We’ve been working on the house and yard since the early spring of that year, even before we bought it. Things are far from finished as we start 2009, and I don’t want to deal with this again in 2010.
I’ve made a detailed list, room by room, of what projects need to be completed this year. I first posted about all this work in this post. I wanted to share my list but wasn’t sure how to set it up. After reading over at Green Resolutions I really like the way she sets up her checklist and shows updates. I’ve decided to use a similar format for my project list. Thanks for the inspiration GR!
I’m going to title this segment “Git ‘Er Done 2009”. This will mostly be for my benefit, to keep me motivated and accountable. I’ll try to include some before and after pictures and maybe even offer some good how-to advice. I avoid debt like the plague so these will all be pay as you go projects.
Feel free to read along. If you would like to join in, go ahead and grab the doodad, link over here, and post your updates whenever. I’ll be doing most of my work on Saturdays. I started out working all day Sunday too but got burnout very quickly. I would recommend limiting yourself to one full day per week or a few hours here and there. You don’t have to renovate your whole place, maybe you just have one small project you want to stay on track with.
In any case, I hope this is a valuable addition to the blog!
Okay, here’s my master list. Red = done last year. Black = to be done. Blue = done in 2009.
New bedding (received as wedding gift)
Paint walls & ceiling
Move closet (tear it out and rebuild in a different spot)
New TV (flatscreen – eliminated stand and gave us more floor space)
Mount lamp on wall
New trim
New curtains
Add 2nd clothes rod in closet
Cover hole for access to pipes (we cut this when changing plumbing in bathroom)
Rewire (and new switches/covers)
Curtain on closet
New light fixture
Paint window frames
Paint walls & ceiling
Eliminate old rust stains
New faucets/hardware
New shower curtain & rod
New curtain over window (in shower)
Curtain around base of sink
Refinish cabinet
Get a quote for recoating the tub
New trim
New lighting
Replace mirror (or make it look better)
Rewire (and new switches/covers)
Find Brian a desk
Get a deal on a desk chair
Paint walls & ceiling
New lighting
New curtains
Removed wallpaper/patched/painted (Thanks Mom!!)
Refinished cabinets/rearranged them
New countertops
New trim (started)
New stove
New (used) dishwasher
New faucet
Paint window frames
Curtains in front of sink/trash
Finish trim
Baseboard for long cabinet
End caps on countertops
Paint baseboard on sink
Paint fridge
Hook up range hood
New lighting
Back Room (entryway):
Paint walls/ceiling
New trim
Paint window frames
Refinish cabinet door
Build/buy a bench/shoe rack
Coat rack
Clean off/organize stair shelf
Living Room
Paint walls & ceiling
Refinish trim
Have floor refinished
New area rug
New light fixture
Make slipcovers for couches
Rabbit Room aka Guest Bedroom
Paint walls & ceiling
Move rabbits out
Fix window screen (where rabbits chewed through it)
Touch up paint on trim
Start cleaning/getting rid of everyone’s junk
New washing machine
Buy laundry tub
Build corn storage bin
New corn stove
Finish cleaning
Install laundry tub
Install shower
New cabinets/tables/shelves (build or buy)
Dust/vacuum rafters
Clean out cistern (Baxter thinks it is his litterbox…gross)
Curtain @ base of stairs
Landscape around 1/2 house
Plant 2 pear trees (one died already)
Create garden
New porch roof
Tear our overgrown bushes
Repaired bad spot in shop roof
Built lean-to on back of shed (burned)
Get rid of lots of junk/scrap that is filling backyard
Install fence/plant pasture
Finish landscaping
Plant more fruit trees
Paint foundation of house
New exterior doors on house
Farm sign/flagpole/strawberries?
Flowers by mailbox/along road
Repair shed fire damage/build new
Finish/repair fences
Tear down little red barn
Paint new OSB on shop ceiling
Paint small shop door
Tear down garage?
New stonecrete in driveway?
Better plan for black walnuts (help!?)
Plant corn & pumpkins
Improve pasture
Poultry tractors/fence
I put question marks next to things that I’m not sure we’ll get to or things that need more thought put in to them. I’ll try to add links to specific posts as I go. You can always click on the above doodad on my sidebar to pull up all related posts.
Thanks for putting up with these long posts. I think this will really help me! I’d love to hear about your own home improvements.
I am SO going to join you! While the work on our house is winding down since we started building it in summer of 2006, but this is just the kind of thing that can keep me accountable to finishing stuff up!>>Now I’ll just have to make a to-do list on paper as opposed to all the things swimming around in my head.
Great! Yes, it will be sooo nice to have everything done. I feel like by the time we have it all how we want it’ll be time to start over again. >>It really helped me to walk through the house as I made my list. I noticed all those little things that bug me and jotted them down.
That is quite a list! I love list making… it is the follow through I have trouble with. 🙂 LOL Good luck with your list!
Jennifer – Thanks for the good luck! I love list making too, I would never get anything accomplished without lists.