Since pig raising has fallen to the bottom of our list after getting our own lambs to market and raising broilers, we still buy ham from the store. Brian goes once week to the local meat market and gets lunch meat. A lot of their meat comes from local raisers so it is nice place to buy from. However, the costs add up even when we buy what’s on sale, and you never really know if the special came from here or out of state.
Awhile back we picked up a ham at Meijer. Meijer is large chain store that has its headquarters here in Michigan. I really like the stores and they seem to carry a lot of locally grown and processed foods. Anyway, we bought a $20 fully cooked boneless ham at $2.79/pound. Here’s what I got out of that:
10 thick ham “steaks” = 3 dinners for us plus leftovers for lunches
10 thinner slices = 2 weeks worth of lunch meat
2 end cuts chopped up = 1 batch of ham soup or stew
I froze them all in labeled bags for future use. We had the first set of ham steaks tonight and they were delicious! I’m sure I could find a better price per pound if I catch ham on sale, but I’m pretty happy with what we got this time. Brian spends about $5/week on lunch meat so we got $10/worth there, plus 4 dinner meals for the other $10. Not bad. 🙂
I would highly recommend you guys get a pig, even if it’s just for your own use. One pig could keep you guys fed for a year’s worth of pork, bacon, sausage and ham.>>What’s one more critter?
Lol… yeah what <>is<> one more at this point I guess. I just really like to read a lot and educate myself about each animal before we bring them home. I suppose raising one or two pigs couldn’t be that hard. How does Ed’s family do it? Do they buy piglets or breed them? I am very tempted to pick up at a pig book… maybe soon!