Here’s a great, and quick invention that Brian made up for dinner the other night. He was really craving nachos and we didn’t have any chips. So instead…

First, he browned some hamburger with seasonings to taste. Then he spread out a layer of tater tot hashbrowns on a cookie sheet. He sprinkled the whole pound of burger over those and then sprinkled a generous amount of shredded cheese on top. Then he baked it in the oven

I’m not sure that the picture does it justice. It really looked quite appetizing even though I’m too picky to try it. He topped it with ketchup and had two helpings so it must have been good. I love it because it is so easy and quick! Plus, it was really fun to watch him make up something that he liked. I’ll have to experiment with fresh shredded potatoes and see how that goes so I don’t have to make a habit of buying the tater tots.

Any quick meals you want to share? Or substitutes to calm your cravings?

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0 Responses

  1. That looks like something a guy would make up to eat while watching football or nascar. Haha!Our go-to supper for a busy night is breakfast for supper. Scrambeled eggs and sausage or bacon from our freezer (I’m telling you, you guys need a pig!). You just have to think about it ahead of time to thaw them. It’s great to have a nice, hot meal in a matter of minutes, though.

  2. I just have to laugh because that is exactly the kind of thing my husband would love…well, without the ketchup! 😀 Such a man thing! lol!

  3. OMG, my three guys would gobble this up, like it was a dream come true . . . meat and potatoes! They’re away tonight and I’m home alone, so after an evening of shopping (okay, I do still “recreational shop!”) I had a wonderful dinner at 9 pm of a vegan enchilada! Yum! I hate always cooking meat for the guys, as I could live without it, but I really don’t think I could live without cheese!Breakfast for supper has saved me a few times when we were out of “normal” supper fare, too!

  4. I agree, this a definitely a man's meal! I would love to have breakfast for supper but Brian wrinkles his nose up when I suggest that. I'm sure he would eat it if I made it but he thinks breakfast should be kept for breakfast. We do have pretty good breakfasts on the weekend so at least I get that sometime! My fall back meal is Lit'l Smokies and Mac & Cheese. I just boil the smokies and he eats them with BBQ sauce. He hates it (says its boring) but it's better than nothing, IMO!

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