You know you’re a farm wife (or a country girl, or a redneck) when you look down in church and notice the gray heel on your black sock peeking out from your dress shoe. You realize that the only black socks in your dresser are John Deere thermal socks and are very grateful that your pants cover the tops of your shoes.

I hope you all had a happy holiday! We had a busy but enjoyable day and got to see both our families. Plus my Mom sent us home with some angel food cake for dessert, my favorite! In fact, I’m eating some for breakfast right now.

What little parts of farm life make you laugh? Do you hate getting ready to go someplace nice like I do? I have no fashion sense when it comes to dress clothes and never feel like I look right. I’m perfectly happy with my figure, it is just more comfortable in jeans and a hoodie. What’s your favorite thing to wear? Any fashion faux pas to share?

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0 Responses

  1. Haha! I love it. I have to dress up every day for work, we don’t even have a casual friday. I pretty much wear khakis and a sweater all winter, with my hiking boots. So I guess that’s not REALLY dressed up, I mean it’s not like I’m wearing heels… but I love wearing jeans and I had to buy a whole bunch of new clothes when I started teaching. My job is pretty dirty as far as teaching goes, with the greenhouse and labs, so I don’t buy anything too expensive.I haven’t bought jeans in so long now that I only have a couple pairs, one for working outside and one dress pair. It’s funny how my clothes have changed over the years, and I don’t particularly like what I have to wear everyday! Ed calls them my old lady clothes, haha.

  2. Lol, old lady clothes. I’m jealous that you get to wear sweaters every day. I’ve really started to love sweaters this winter. They are cute, can be classy, warm, and they don’t require you to show much skin. Someday I’ll learn to knit them. I get to wear scrubs everyday for work so at least those are comfortable. The only problem with scrubs is they are very forgiving. It can be a little discouraging when I put my weekend jeans on and they fit tighter than they used too. I’ve tried having nice “dress” jeans in the past but they always get stained from the animals somehow. Now I just pick the cleanest pair when we go out! 🙂

  3. Oh my gosh, that is soooo something I would do! Only instead of pants it would be under a long denim skirt and someone would probably catch a glimpse and snicker! 🙂 I used to have fashion $ense, but now life is just so much simpler wearing what is most comfortable and functional. And cheap. That is probably why I haven’t posted pictures of me on my blog…people would be cracking up going “What on earth is she wearing?” ;)Maybe I should have a farm fashion show post and just show it all off.

  4. Jennifer – Yeah, post about it, I dare ya! Tell me I’m not the only one who does stuff like this. 🙂

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