I just really didn’t feel like doing much today. Yesterday Brian cut up our old rabbit cage so I could have 2 pieces of plywood for our new farm sign. I painted them this morning. Then we went to breakfast with Brian’s Grandpa. I’m pretty sure he turned 93 this year! After breakfast I put on a second coat of paint. We watched King Corn. I was really disappointed! I guess it might make a bigger impact on people who don’t farm but it really didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know. I was hoping the film would help Brian to see why corn in everything is a bad thing, but it wasn’t too convincing.

After the movie Brian worked out in the shop for awhile. It was pretty rainy and cold today so I didn’t go out. I’ve been working on our website like crazy and it is almost done!! Get ready, I’m going to want everyone’s opinions of it once it is done! 🙂 Then I worked on tracing our logo on to the farm sign. I’ve got one piece almost done, then I can paint it. Anyway, since I’d really like to get back in to Sunday Strolls, I have some garden pictures to share from this week, plus one that shows where I’ve spent most of my day!

The garlic is getting so tall!

The onions are coming up!

I have been so tempted to snap off a piece of asparagus to taste…

The peas are coming up. I really thought they wouldn’t make it since I planted them so early. I’m glad they did!

This is where the cat and I have been, and I think I’m heading back there…

Head over to Quiet Country House to see who else is strolling today.

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0 Responses

  1. Omnivore’s Dilemma does a much better job talking about why corn in everything is bad, but then Brian might have to read! If he’s anything like Ed, it’s just not gonna happen unless there are pictures of tractors in the book.

    I didn’t get a stroll today either. It was almost 90 here today and we just enjoyed the warmth and had a low-key day.

  2. LOL 🙂 My hubby is so not a reader either. I guess you could say I strolled…to and from the duck house! I am loving that last picture…snuggled on the couch with a kitty is one of my favorite places. Dontcha love days liket hat? I am looking forward to your website. 🙂

  3. I love the little veggies. I have garlic and tiny tips of asparagus too. The deer were really stomping around in my asparagus bed, so I’m eager to see how much survived!

    The last photo is my fav too. You can’t beat a cuddle with a kitty-friend for pure, luxurious relaxation!

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