I’m still in a little bit of an unmotivated mood like I was on Sunday. So here’s my post.

Meet Bear, our 125 pound baby. You’ve seen enough pictures of his little blond sister. We call him Eeyore because that is exactly who he acts like.

Brian already had Bear when we met. Bear and I had some issues to work through back then. Brian went away for the weekend and Bear wouldn’t get off the couch. I mean really, he refused. I pulled on him, he curled his lip. Then I got smart and pulled the cushion out from under him. Still, he wouldn’t move. I finally put the cushion on the floor next to the couch and coaxed him on to it. Then, I slid the cushion across the wood floor to the doorway. Picture the big lug on an iceberg, that’s what it looked like.

In fact, he still will hardly touch the floor. He’s scared to death of it. Too slippery I guess. He actually walks on his tiptoes to get to the couch. As I type, he sleeps next to me, curled up on his couch cushion. Since we got the new (used) furniture awhile back, we got rid of the old couch. I thought the cushion would make him a nice bed so I saved it. I think it made his life way, way better. He loves his cushion.

Can’t you see it in his eyes?

P.S. He stills grumbles at me occasionally, but we’ve worked it out with some leash training. I have a slip leash in every trouble spot and if I even think about putting it on him he moves as quick as a big dog can.

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0 Responses

  1. He is a gorgeous dog. We had a lab that also loved his couch – so much that when we got a newer one, we put his on the covered back porch. He was in doggie heaven until his pal chewed a little -then the both tore it up. I was finding couch stuffing for months all over the yard. LOL Oh, dogs and the joys the bring us.

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