I have quite a few future posts forming in my head, half of which I’ll probably forget before they are ever typed out. However, I feel like I’m posting about a lot of the same topics lately, especially now that spring is here and I have so many updates about the garden and the animals.

Is there a post I promised to write that I’ve forgotten? Is there a question you’d like to ask? Something I do or write about that you want to know more about? Are you sick of hearing about any certain topic? Please don’t hesitate. I’d really love to hear your thoughts. I know there are at least a few lurkers out there as well. Now’s your time!

I’m going to call it a night because I just misspelled hear here and there their. Have a good one!

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0 Responses

  1. Hey Jena! I’d love to hear more about the history of your farm and how you and Brian came to live there. I know it’s his family’s… but that’s all.

    Hmmm… what else? Future plans, day-in-the-life, um, and I don’t know what else. 🙂

  2. Hi Jena. 🙂 Knitting is always a good topic, if you ask me. 🙂 And the garden. I can’t get enough garden posts. And garage sale finds. I’d also love to hear about your farm history. I should do a post about that too since this farm has been in hubby’s family for generations. I have heard some dandy stories! I can’t think of much else. I do love your blog! 🙂

  3. I like the suggestions you already got and can’t think of anything more at the moment. I love coming by your blog. =)

  4. Jena,

    I love hearing about all you’re doing, from your animals, to your plantings, farm life, DIY projects, etc., etc.

    Keep up the GREAT posts!


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