Almost Local Homemade Whole Wheat Pizza
This is a quick and relatively easy dinner option for us. I personally don’t like pizza so I make a separate pan of breadsticks for myself. I like the following recipe which can be found at Ingredients:2 cups whole wheat flour1 package active dry yeast/instant yeast3/4 teaspoon salt1 cup hot tap water (120 – […]
My Mom
My Mom is the best. She is why I am the way I am, or at least a big part of why. She is why I knit. She is why I can sew (a little bit). She is why I make homemade laundry soap. She let me raise chickens for FFA in her basement even […]
Sunday Stroll: Garden Update
I have been taking a stroll around my yard every morning and evening lately. There is a lot of activity to keep up with! All of these pictures are from the garden today. I thought I would combine the garden update and Sunday Stroll this week to keep things simple. Plus, I have a lot […]
Building An Eggmobile: Part 2

We went with a chicken wire front here for ventilation with intentions of a roll down tarp to cover the front if needed. The door is split with a small door at the bottom. This was easier than making separate little doors for the chickens.
The Chickens Have Moved In!
The hens seem to love their new nest boxes!! As soon as I put straw in them they were all about it. There were 3 1/2 hens in one box at one point. Overall, we’re both thrilled with how it turned out, at least so far. I’m not going to post many details tonight because […]
My “Fast Food” Dinner
Brian picked himself up some fast food for dinner. I was working late. When I talked to him he told me he already ate so maybe I should get myself something in town too. I drove that way home but nothing sounded good and I didn’t stop anywhere. I got home and tried to make […]
Sunday Stroll
This pear tree came through the winter just fine! Four new Heritage Raspberry canes. You can’t see it in the picture but they are getting little leaves. I think this is a flowering cherry tree. It is in the island between the driveways and gets these gorgeous blossoms every year. I have never found one […]
Chick City and a Rough Night
Well, Becker Farms is now the proud home of 99 Colored Range chicks! They arrived Friday and I was able to get them home from the post office and settled before going to work. I took the above video that morning. Aren’t they fun to watch! I’m thrilled with how vigorous they are. I didn’t […]
Real Milk?
Remember all the times I’ve mentioned that we mostly just buy dairy products from the store now? Well that might change. I looked in to a cow share program a while back. I gave it some thought and then put it out of my mind. Then out of the blue the program coordinator e-mailed me […]