Brian’s Project: A Tractor Post

“So… since you’re always looking for interesting pictures for your blog, you should come outside and bring your camera” says my husband when I arrived home last night. “Is everything alright!?” I said, a little worried. I went out to see what he was talking about. Turns out his project for the day involved tearing […]

Menu Plan Monday

BreakfastsToast or cereal with fruit for me, eggs for Brian. Lunch Mostly PB&Js + pretzels and/or lettuce & peas from the garden + string cheese (same as last week unless I get creative) SupperMonday: Walleye Parmesan with Homemade Garlic Shells Tuesday: Lil Smokies with Homestyle Mac & Cheese Wednesday: Hot Dogs & Hamburgers with Baked […]

A Year’s Worth of Strawberries

We met at our favorite berry farm just after 8 AM and started picking. 30 pounds of strawberries later we headed for home. My Mom hulled all those berries while my sister and I went to Meijer for more pectin.

Fitness Friday

Fitness Friday was started last week by Amy over at Muddy Boots. I see she hasn’t done a FF post yet today so it may not be an ongoing thing. However, I’ve been working my butt off and I’m ready to talk about it!! I haven’t mentioned this sooner because I know how I am. […]

I really did do a Menu Plan!

I really did, I just never posted it. Okay, I also never finished it. Better late than never. Here it is: BreakfastsMostly frosted shredded wheat. Lunch Mostly PB&Js + pretzels and/or lettuce & peas from the garden + string cheese SupperMonday: Leftover Spaghetti and Quick Cheese Bread Tuesday: Meatball Subs/Toasted Bread with Parmesan Wednesday: Hot […]

Cut Off From the World

Okay, I don’t consider myself to be very high tech. I haven’t used my ipod in 6 months and I refuse to text message. However, today I felt so cut off from the world it was scary, and I was having major withdrawals. Our internet is only working off and on so if I’m missing […]

Herbs and Our Front Porch

I picked up some herbs from two different places lately and finally planted them today. The planter boxes are something that my Dad was getting rid of. I think he made them from old deck lumber. I painted over the brown paint so they now match our porch. There were already drain holes drilled in […]

A Good Day

I’ve really been enjoying life this week. Here are some of the highlights: I fed the chickens in the rain and felt so proud and content standing in the rain watching them huddle together in the nice dry shelter that Brian and I built. They are getting big! I came in the house and appreciated […]

Menu Plan Monday – New for Me!

Okay, here’s a new thing for me. I’m going to try being a part of Menu Plan Monday, a weekly menu plan share hosted by Laura over at I’m An Organizing Junkie. The banner above is linked to her awesome site. I’m not sure exactly what our week will be like since we’ve got hay […]

Poultry Update – Cattle Panel Shelter – Pics

Well, the eggmobile sits empty. Part of the reason we finished it when we did was because the rooster was getting so mean I could hardly get the eggs anymore. Once the birds were out on pasture I could easily gather them at least once a day. Sadly, the hens must have learned to eat […]