Okay, I don’t consider myself to be very high tech. I haven’t used my ipod in 6 months and I refuse to text message. However, today I felt so cut off from the world it was scary, and I was having major withdrawals. Our internet is only working off and on so if I’m missing for awhile that will be why. We can no longer pick up a good signal and there is nothing the company can do to fix it so we’re looking for a new service provider. Every time I turned around today I couldn’t continue with my plans because I couldn’t get online. Here’s what I mean:

I wanted to preserve my garlic scapes but I didn’t remember how they said to do it on that website I looked at the other day.

Since my Mom, Brian, and I picked a bunch of strawberries on Saturday I was dying to try Abbie’s Strawberry Shortcake recipe but couldn’t get the page to load.

I was planning to browse recipes for this weeks’ menu plan and knew I wanted to make Quick Cheese Bread with dinner tonight. Luckily this thing started working. The bread is in the oven so I’ll keep you posted!

More importantly, the builder was here repairing the shed that burned and I needed to write him another check. I had to tell him not to cash it for a few days since I couldn’t get online to transfer the money from our savings to our checking, or to update our check register and compare the online banking with our Quickbooks.

Maybe I really am addicted to the internet like my husband used to claim. Of course he doesn’t say that now, he’s too busy fighting me for the computer so he can check the weather, browse craigslist, drool over tractors on ebay, and watch the grain prices on our local elevator’s website. Oh, what is this world coming to!?!

Where do you spend your time online? Do you rely on the web like we do?

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0 Responses

  1. Let's see… I spend time writing my own blog and reading other blogs. I check my work and home emails frequently. I update my school webpage (but no more til Sept after tomorrow!)

    I look for recipes, shop online (cabela's and lehman's most recently).

    Look for lesson plans or activities, check the weather, read the news.

  2. We rely on the internet and computers alot here too. A bit too much at times! I am even responding on my iPhone with 2 open and working computers in front of me. I am beginning to think I have way to much technology when I write it that way.

  3. Jena, start yourself a three ring binder to print off a hardcopy of those recipes and such. 🙂 And you can bank by phone! I always forget that. I rely on the net a lot too. It is really convenient. Hope you find a good new company.

  4. I have to admit we rely on the internet a LOT. I blog, I read other people's blogs, I post pictures, browse lots of other photos to learn and for inspiration, check email, keep in touch with friends on Facebook (though I resisted that for a long time), pay most bills, keep track of our checking account balance, search for recipes or for the answer to almost anything, read the news (we canceled cable), sometimes even watch movies (via Netflix), and much of our homeschooling is done through research and resources online. Aaahhhhh! Then, as far as the computer goes, there is Word and Photoshop Elements, which both are used often for the homeschooling and for pleasure. Help. =)

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