More About That Sheep… Update
This is a continuation of yesterday’s post about a lamb we found dead. It might bore you but I thought some people might be interested in what we suspect to be the real cause of death, especially if you might raise sheep of your own someday. We happen to have a relief vet at work […]
Disturbing Find and Thinking Like A Farmer
***This post contains unpleasant details and is not for the weak.*** I had a very unpleasant surprise this morning as I made my rounds doing chores. I found one of our lambs – dead. She was the first lamb born on the farm. The cause of death was pretty obvious. She had prolapsed rectally, which […]
Freezer Cooking: Twin Meat Loaves

This recipe comes from Farm Journal’s Country Cookbook. I got my copy from my Grandma’s basement and I love it. It really is appropriate for the way we are trying to live and generally avoids “add in seasoning packet” or “3 cups Bisquick”.
Menu Plan Monday
This week is going to be a crazy one for me I think. We have a different vet filling in at work and although she is very good and friendly she takes a looooonnnggg time with each client so I’m prepared to stay late most nights. I also have Thursday off instead of Monday so […]
Free TV: Getting By Without Cable
We haven’t had cable or satellite TV service since we moved to the farm almost 2 years ago. Brian had satellite at the old house and when we moved we called and “suspended” it. The company offered to install it at the farm for us but we moved in the midst of harvest season and […]
What I’ve Been Doing
I’ve been a little aloof lately and I apologize. It is one of those times where I want to post about everything but never get around to posting any of it. I spent a lot of the weekend making invitations for my cousin’s baby shower. I made the cutest ones to tie in with our […]
Honeymoonin’ (again, but where?)
So in honor of our fast approaching 1 year anniversary Brian and I have planned for a week off work in the fall. On our honeymoon we went down around Chicago to Moline, IL. We went for the John Deere tractors of course! While we did not get to tour the factory there were some […]
Good Day For A Ride
Today was a great day for a horseback ride! After not riding at all yet this summer I went for a ride yesterday and today. It always seems like there are a million other things that should be done and it is a lot of work to hook up the trailer, pack up the saddle, […]
Menu Plan Monday
Monday: Lil’ Smokies + Rice Tuesday: Sirloin Steaks + Baked Potatoes (on the grill) Wednesday: Buttermilk Baked Chicken + Mashed Potatoes Thursday: Homemade Chicken Nuggets + Fried Garlic Potatoes Friday: Breakfast for supper (homemade waffles, bacon, hashbrowns, eggs) I’ve decided just to list suppers for awhile. Our breakfasts are usually something from the stash of […]
“Hello?” “Hey Ken, it’s Brian. We’re up north and the person who was going to check the animals tonight can’t do it now. Is there any chance you could run down? Everyone should be fine except the chickens might need more water.” “No problem, you got it.” “Thanks so much, we really appreciate it.” The […]