The trouble with a menu plan is that:

A) You have to make one before it works


B) When you have one you really come to rely on it and when you don’t it makes for a miserable week!!

I thought about it on Monday but never quite made time since I had to work this Monday (my normal day off). I thought about it yesterday but made dinner and dessert and then it was 10 o’clock! Today is the day I guess. I know you’re wondering if it is even worth it now? Yes, it is. Now that I know what it is like to plan ahead I HATE coming home and trying to figure out what to cook.

Here it is:

Monday: Tacos for Brian, I never really ate dinner.

Tuesday: Spaghetti (with herbs and butter for me, meat sauce for Brian) with Quick Cheese Bread (this recipe is a winner! We’ve had it twice now)

Wednesday: Parmesan Crusted Walleye with Roasted Herb Potatoes

Thurday: Grilled Cheese Sandwiches with Soup & Peas

Friday: Breakfast for Supper – French Toast, Hashbrowns, Bacon, and Eggs

Breakfasts this week consist of those blueberry waffles I made for me, I’m not sure what Brian’s been eating. For dessert I made No-Bake Cheesecake. I had one jar of blueberry filling that didn’t seal so I topped the cheesecake with that. It was good last night but it is even better now that is had been in the fridge for awhile. Try it, you’ll like it.

Whew. Glad that’s done!! 🙂

What’s on your menu this week?

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0 Responses

  1. I NEED to learn to make a menu and stick with it. I never do and dinner time is always tough. Steve is at the DMV tonight, so I have a longer grace period, today…but I should get on to making dinner!

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