I’ve been a little aloof lately and I apologize. It is one of those times where I want to post about everything but never get around to posting any of it.

I spent a lot of the weekend making invitations for my cousin’s baby shower. I made the cutest ones to tie in with our frog theme. They are all done and mailed out – what a relief!

I also got the long garden almost completely weeded and mulched. All the is left are two empty spots where I didn’t plant anything. I need to pull all the weeds and mulch those areas so they’re ready for next year. Also, the corn is very weedy again and I think I need a hoe for it this time. It isn’t growing very well (maybe due to weed pressure, maybe not enough rain) and I think I planted it a little later than my neighbors. Hopefully it will still produce enough corn to can and some popcorn for the winter.

I’m about berried out. Blueberries, cherries, mulberries, oh my!

I planted 50 strawberry plants awhile ago so maybe we’ll have some of our own next year. So far they’re doing good, just need to be mulched.

I’ve been knitting up a storm. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I’m now on Ravelry as MarriedToTheFarm. If you’re on there look me up! I didn’t think it would be nearly as cool as it is. I’ve been starting new projects left and right since we’ve got 2 weddings coming up plus it seems like everyone we know is pregnant. Of course Christmas is coming too and like Dave Ramsey says: Christmas is a craft this year. Homemade canned goods and/or knitted stuff for everyone.

Brian has been spending all his evenings and weekends working on the semi. It apparently didn’t come with wet lines which is the part that allows it to work with a dump trailer. We haven’t bought a trailer yet but he made arrangements to borrow a set of doubles for the wheat harvest. Brian and our neighbor, Ken, might get in to wheat this week! Once that is done we’re going to tear down our old garage (it is so ugly!) and put up the new building for cattle. Things are rolling right along around here.

I’ll try to get some new pics up soon so you can see all of this activity! Hope things are going well for everyone else, I’d love to hear what you’re up to.

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0 Responses

  1. Sounds like you have been busy! I've been focused on my full-time grad class since school got out, but I handed in my last paper today. So now the summer will begin 🙂

    OK, so what's Ravelry?

  2. Congrats on making it through your class. Maybe you'll get the A+ like you want. Hopefully you can relax a bit now!

    Ravelry is like MySpace for knitters. You can join groups and communicate with people through messages. I've been using the notebook feature to keep track of my yarns and needles. The best part is the pattern search. There are a lot of free patterns and some that have a small fee but they are all awesome. If you find a pattern you like then you can look at all the projects like it that other people have made for inspiration. It's great, I'm loving it.

  3. You've been a busy girl! I know what you mean: sometimes we're too busy LIVING life to write about it!

    Have fun!

  4. OH, I'm SO glad to see Jena's Mom is commenting now!

    Isn't it funny that we're always known as whose Mom we are?

    We just love your daughter, Jena's Mom!

    Abbie's Mom

  5. Oh, ravelry sounds cool! I love free patterns 🙂

    Would they happen to have crochet, too? I'm bad at knitting anything other than scarves or hats.

  6. Thank you, I LOVE Jena, too! I read everything she writes, and am so proud of her. For the longest time I couldn't figure out how to comment, then I lost (forgot!?) the name & password. Jena does not get her computer skills from her mother. : )

  7. Abbie – Yes, Ravelry does have crochet too. They even get in to spinning and some other fiber arts. If you join you'd better look me up!

  8. Wow! You're been so busy! It sounds like mostly good, satisfying work, though. Unless it's just more romantic to look in from the outside! I know what you mean about wanting to post and never getting around to it. I'm dealing with that these days, too. We're shopping for a car. We were hoping to have one by this coming Friday….otherwise we'll have to rent and that just feels like a waste of a few hundred dollars since we need to buy a car anyway. I feel like we've been so busy, but I can't even come up with a list of with what!

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