Okay here goes:

Monday: Cornmeal waffles with bacon and fried zucchini

Tuesday: Sloppy Joes for Brian, hot dogs for me, with chips and watermelon

Wednesday: Baked Rotini with homemade garlic bread

Thursday: Steak on the grill with seasoned buttered noodles

Friday: Going to my cousin’s wedding – no cooking for me! πŸ™‚

What are you eating this week?

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0 Responses

  1. Have fun at the wedding!!!

    As for a menu plan… I know I'm making sausage burgers tonight (with our piggie sausage) and leftover mac and cheese (homemade). No clue for the rest of the week!

  2. Thanks!

    Mmmm leftover mac & cheese. Is your recipe online? I have yet to find a really good recipe. I did find one for freezer cooking that I'd like to try.

  3. Oh, we have a wedding to go to coming up in September and we are really looking forward to it! πŸ™‚ Have fun! Homamde pizza tonight, and two new recipes this week that I got from Fresh from the Farm's blog. Cowpoke chilli and a recipe that you make bread dough and then fill it and bake it, kind of like hot pockets. I'm looking forward to trying them – I have been in a total menu slump lately.

  4. Jennifer – I didn't actually noticed the homemade thing until you corrected it, lol. Those hot pocket things sound interesting, I wonder if you could make something like that and freeze it.

  5. BLTs with tomatoes from the garden! Local bacon. Homemade bread. We don't have any greens right now so we use chard instead. We eat BLTs several times a week this time of year. Yum!!

  6. Jena~
    I love it! You remind me of myself as a new bride when I planned menus for the week; wrote the ingredient list by the aisle things were located in my local store; and shopped JUST ONCE a week!

    Now, decades and 3 kids later, working fulltime, etc., I'm just lucky to get something on the table for dinner each night. Who's here; who's not; how late is everyone working; could I swing by our farm market at the end of the day; etc., etc. Life's very different.

    Now that it's summer, I'm depending on our own homegrown veggies, etc. Can't tell you how many nights it's been tomato and cheese sandwiches and corn on the cob, but my 3 BIG guys are meat eaters, so I'm constantly going to the store.

    Grocery shopping is definitely not as much fun as it used to be!

    Thanks for inspiring us!


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