After the tractor pull on Friday night we followed my cousin and her husband in to Indiana. We had enjoyed the pull with them and had made plans to visit some friends together for the weekend. Our friends in Indiana moved there a couple years ago to join their family business, McCoy Dairy Farm. Brian and my cousin’s husband had fun talking to the guys, touring the farm, and helping out where they could. Since my cousin is due to deliver her first baby in October and our friend recently had her 4th child us girls had plenty to talk about too. It was really refreshing to see a dedicated Mom in action who manages to balance work on the farm with parenting. She’s my new role model! 🙂

I was really interested in the farm too. That barn in the picture is new – can you believe how wide it is!? Here’s the very best part…those of you who have read about my desire for a milk cow will understand. They. have. a. miniature. jersey. cow. Her name is Elaine and I’m in love. First I got to pet her – and then I got to milk her!!! I wish I had taken pictures but I didn’t want manure and iodine all over my camera. I spent awhile (maybe an hour?) in the milking parlor helping out. I’ve always been interested in milking cows so it was fun to try it. It seems like the type of job a person could get very efficient at with practice which is what I like. I told Brian I know where we’re going to move if we ever have to rely on my income over his. I’d love to work for a vet down there!

That is all hay behind Brian. The picture doesn’t do it justice – it was like a wall of hay in all directions.

I think Brian could have stayed all week and I was really enjoying visiting and, I admit, holding the baby. As the weekend progressed Brian and I found more and more things we had in common with our friends there so it was great to talk with them. However, the whole goal of taking a vacation was to spend time together just the two of us with no farming to get in the way. We headed out late Monday afternoon…

More to come soon!

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0 Responses

  1. OMG! How fantastic! I am so glad you got to milk a cow! But I had to crack up at your comment about your vacation being for the two of you with no farming getting in the way….darlin, I'm pretty sure it is in your blood and there is no escaping! 🙂 LOL Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your trip too! I am headed to Amish country today. I'll have to remember to take the camera AND to use it! 🙂

  2. Lol. I'm sure you're probably right about farming. We're doomed. 😉
    If you're heading to Amish country you'll relate to our next stop…Shipshewana!

  3. Your vacation sounds like a lot of fun. About the milking, you're absolutely right–with practice, it becomes a quick chore, but it is still so pleasant. I always loved milking our cow–early mornings are peaceful and the cow is sweet and the milk is the best. 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your trip!

  4. FD – I'm really not sure what the difference is or how big of a difference there is between a miniature Jersey and a normal one. They called this one a miniature but she was still around shoulder height on me. She is a show cow so maybe what you saw was the same thing. Up here they sell the minis for $3500 which our friends thought was crazy for a cow like theirs.

    Abutton – Did you do it by hand or with a machine? The milking is the thing that my husband isn't sold on. He thinks I'll get lazy and make him do it, which I might try from time to time! 🙂

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