How will you be feathering your nest for Fall? What do you to get ready? Decorations? Winterizing? Stocking Up? Preserving Fall Produce? Harvesting Said Fall Produce? Cleaning? Organizing? Overhauling your Calendar? Whatever you do to ready your Home and Hearth for the new season, we want to know about it at Hoosier Homemade where Liz is offering up a fun giveaway of sewn fabric pumpkins to fall-ify your home.

Fall is one of the busiest seasons around our farm, tied only with Spring. This year I’m welcoming Fall with open arms and have been enjoying the tasks that come with the season. Here are a few things we do to prepare for the colder months:
- At the top of the list, canning is in full swing. I’m putting up corn, tomatoes, and apples all within the next few weeks.
- As the garden offers up the last of the vegetables it is time to clear away the dead plants and prepare for spring. I’ve been weeding one last time, then I’ll spread some compost and mulch the whole thing with straw. The garlic goes in and dormant plants (strawberries, raspberries, rhubarb) can be transplanted.
- Last week I dug out the flannel sheets and installed the electric blanket on our bed. Nothing says fall better than that!
- We’re reducing our outdoor chores as much as possible. The turkeys have moved to the freezer, the ewes are off being bred, several steers are ready to go to market, and we culled all the young roosters in order to save on feed. We’ll be busy preparing winter quarters for the animals that have been on pasture all summer.
- Brian and our neighbors are preparing to harvest the fields. They took a part off the combine tonight to have it repaired. Our neighbors hauled in the first of their sugar beets last week and soybeans will probably come off in about 2 weeks.
- On our to-do list all of the outdoor projects have gone to the top of the list. I stripping and refinishing a cabinet now while I can still open the windows for fresh air and the landscaping needs to be finished.
I’d love to hear what you’re up to now that fall is knocking at the door.
Wow! You are busy! But it is wonderful you are embracing it all. I grew up on a wheat farm, so this time of year signaled a slow-down instead of a speed up.
Sounds like a busy Fall. My DH grew up on a farm and now works, landscaping on a farm, so I know the work. Thanks for joining in the fun at Fall Fest!
Wow what a great time of year! I too have been canning and prepping the garden will happen very soon. though this is my first year doing both as its our first fall in my own home.
We just moved from Nebraska to West Virginia. I always loved the harvest time – well, except for trying to fit on the road with a combine or the crazy allergies that came with it! I watched from afar. You are quite busy being right in the thick of things! I think you have inspired me to get some flannel sheets!
Wow! You're busy! I love canning and putting up food, but I'm not able to do it to the extent you are. Wonderful!
Wow! Sounds busy. This is such a wonderful time of year!
Wow – what a fantastic website! I got lost here yesterday for about an hour and then forgot to leave a comment! 🙂 I MISS the smell of making hay in the late summer/fall – what a fantastic job you are doing raising/harvesting from your garden!!
can't wait to see more! 🙂
I love this time of year! Usually I do more canning, but I'm just not up to it right now. Maybe I'll be inspired. Once garden is ready for winter, but the other one needs work. We're getting wood delivered this weekend, so we'll be stacking that…then I need to brush the green stuff off the side of the house, clean up the yard and clean the house! I've already been working on closets and cupboards. =)
Just stopping by from WFMW to check out your blog. It's pretty spiffy. 🙂 And you have some great articles. I enjoyed reading the couple I looked at. You have officially gotten yourself another daily reader 🙂
Thanks for havin' me and hope to see you over at my bloggy. Have a great week.
What a great shot of your DH baling hay! I can't even begin to think about fall . . .it was 80 degrees here today and I'm too busy at school! But fall on the farm is always busy: apple picking, pumpkin harvesting, and entertaining lots of visitors to the farm on hayrides, haymaze, cornmaze, etc., etc. I'm actually relieved when Halloween arrives and I can get my life back!