Now it’s your turn! I’d love to hear all about how you and your family amuse yourselves as the seasons change. Do you have special activities that you do with your kids? Are there certain movies that you watch during the fall? Do you have fall crafts, games, books or field trips that you enjoy? Share your favorite autumn vacation spots at Daily Dwelling.

Today’s theme is all about fun. For me, the fun part of fall is feathering my nest by doing the things I shared yesterday. I also enjoy decorating my porch. I set out pumpkins and tie cornstalks to the porch posts. Dressing up is fun too, although I don’t always do that now that I’m a little older. Last year I went up to the bar dressed as a hippie. It was great because I love to people watch and I could do a lot of it with those big glasses on!

For us, for now, our dogs are like our kids. So, one of the best parts about fall is watching them play and have fun. Good luck trying to rake with them around!

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0 Responses

  1. What beautiful dogs! And I LOVE the leaves! However, one of the small towns we've lived in over the years allowed people to burn their leaves curb-side and that was one smell I despised! (loved the fact you could quickly get rid of your leaves that way, though! lol)
    Enjoying your posts!

  2. Too cute! I love to dress up for Halloween, and we always do a theme in the science department at my school. One year it was Wizard of Oz (I was the good witch), and last year we were all elements from the periodic table (I was gold). We haven't decided yet what we're going to be this year… but someone suggested luau costumes today when we were talking about it.

    I'd go as a tree hugger but that's not really a costume 🙂

  3. Aww, I bet they have a lot of fun playing in leaves! My cats are having a blast knocking over every single fall decoration I've put up today!

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