These are my pitiful little onions…I’m still not sure exactly why they flowered instead of growing. They are so cute that I almost don’t mind except that they’re already gone! Don’t they look almost like little purple light bulbs?
Funny Vegetables
Check out this monster tomato!! It was the highlight of my morning. I’ve been canning for 12 hours now! Luckily, I’m done with the hard part. Now I can sit back and relax and just switch out the canner every so often. Yahoo!
My onions were rather pitiful this year as well. Congrats on the canning marathon. Yowza!
You moved!
Well, sort of. I’m moving. I just haven’t decided yet if I’m going launch it over here now or wait until our farm site is going and move it all again to I’m thinking I’ll just stick with this, I like it way better than the old one.
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!
You moved!