I told myself I was going to “take the day off” and relax completely. Yeah right! 😛
I did some lounging around the house this morning, then we went to see my cousin’s new baby. He’s such a cutie and so tiny! While we were “in the city” (we’re such hicks) we stocked up on some groceries. More about that in a different post.
We got back home and I was torn: lay around for the rest of the day and feel like a loser because I didn’t get anything done OR go do something and kick myself later because I didn’t relax before going back to work tomorrow. I chose the latter and went outside. Since I tend to ramble I’ll put the tasks completed in bold…
First I planted some :::ahem::: flower :::cough::: bulbs. Yes, that is not a typo, I really did plant flowers. Up until now I could never bring myself to put much effort in to cultivating anything that I couldn’t eat. Luckily, flower bulbs don’t take much effort. I only bought one package so I put a few around our mailbox and the rest in that big metal pot in our front yard. I’m going to kill the dog if she digs them out. I’m kidding (maybe). Supposedly these bulbs will magically put up beautiful flowers in the spring. Hmmp, we’ll see.
This week I discovered that we have a nicer garden hoe than I thought and that it kicks butt for edging around things. I used it to pull back some of the grass around my fruit trees. I’ll need to mulch them before winter. I read somewhere that the grass shouldn’t grow right up to them so mulch might be better. Plus, I won’t have to weed whack close to them and risk damaging the bark.
Our friend showed up while I was doing that so I suckered him in to helping me with the next chore. We went out to the long garden and pulled up all the dead corn and sunflower stalks. I put some of them in the compost pile. The horses happily ate some of the ear corn that I threw in their pasture. Two big wheelbarrow loads went out to the cattle. I suspect they will eat them all as I watched a steer start at the tip and munch a whole cornstalk down, spitting out the root end when he got that far!
Then I got the lawn mower out for one last hurrah. I mowed around those trees and across part of our front yard. It looks so much nicer!! We try but usually mowing gets pushed pretty far down on the list. If my neighbors are reading: I promise we will do better at basic maintenance once all we are trying to do is maintain. It is too hard right now when we are constantly redoing, refinishing, relandscaping, rebuilding, etc.
Anyway, I took the lawnmower out to the long garden and mowed verrrryyy slowly over the whole thing. That garden was new this summer and was so weedy, I eventually gave up. Now that it is mowed I’ll get Brian to spread some manure over it with the spreader and then I’ll mulch it with straw. Next year it should be much nicer.
I mowed some more in the front yard until it got too dark to see. Then I watered the chickens (found 3 eggs!) and came in for the night. Brian is still out harvesting soybeans with the neighbors. I’ll probably veg out here on the couch with the computer for awhile, take a shower, and go to bed. I’m happy that I got to get things done and relax a little.
What are you doing to prepare for colder weather?
I need to turn the garden over, and then add some straw to cover. However, it’s been raining like crazy here. I might have to do it this week after work. Also need to get the outside faucets shutoff before they freeze and crack.
How late does your husband harvest this time of year?
Wow, I feel like a bum! Ed cleaned out our veggie garden, harvested the last of the carrots and ripped out stuff. I, ahem, sat inside and knitted after pointing out the carrots and generally telling him what to do. Then I knitted some more while he split wood from a dead tree he cut down in the woods behind our house. That was Saturday, and it was COLD!
Today it was rainy and miserable, so I knitted… while Ed worked on our dining table. It’s going to be so beautiful when its done! He’s putting the final coats of finish on it and it should be done by next week. It’s cherry from trees that grew in CT and the wood was leftover from a stair job. Then we visited Ed’s mom who had surgery on her achilles tendon, and I sat and watched cooking shows with her while Ed worked out in the barn with his dad.
So pretty much I’m claiming credit for all Ed did this weekend, and I pretty much did nothing 🙂 But I’m growing a baby, so that’s my excuse.
Wow, I feel like a bum! Ed cleaned out our veggie garden, harvested the last of the carrots and ripped out stuff. I, ahem, sat inside and knitted after pointing out the carrots and generally telling him what to do. Then I knitted some more while he split wood from a dead tree he cut down in the woods behind our house. That was Saturday, and it was COLD!
Today it was rainy and miserable, so I knitted… while Ed worked on our dining table. It’s going to be so beautiful when its done! He’s putting the final coats of finish on it and it should be done by next week. It’s cherry from trees that grew in CT and the wood was leftover from a stair job. Then we visited Ed’s mom who had surgery on her achilles tendon, and I sat and watched cooking shows with her while Ed worked out in the barn with his dad.
So pretty much I’m claiming credit for all Ed did this weekend, and I pretty much did nothing 🙂 But I’m growing a baby, so that’s my excuse.
Wow, I feel like a bum! Ed cleaned out our veggie garden, harvested the last of the carrots and ripped out stuff. I, ahem, sat inside and knitted after pointing out the carrots and generally telling him what to do. Then I knitted some more while he split wood from a dead tree he cut down in the woods behind our house. That was Saturday, and it was COLD!
Today it was rainy and miserable, so I knitted… while Ed worked on our dining table. It’s going to be so beautiful when its done! He’s putting the final coats of finish on it and it should be done by next week. It’s cherry from trees that grew in CT and the wood was leftover from a stair job. Then we visited Ed’s mom who had surgery on her achilles tendon, and I sat and watched cooking shows with her while Ed worked out in the barn with his dad.
So pretty much I’m claiming credit for all Ed did this weekend, and I pretty much did nothing 🙂 But I’m growing a baby, so that’s my excuse.
Wow, I feel like a bum! Ed cleaned out our veggie garden, harvested the last of the carrots and ripped out stuff. I, ahem, sat inside and knitted after pointing out the carrots and generally telling him what to do. Then I knitted some more while he split wood from a dead tree he cut down in the woods behind our house. That was Saturday, and it was COLD!
Today it was rainy and miserable, so I knitted… while Ed worked on our dining table. It’s going to be so beautiful when its done! He’s putting the final coats of finish on it and it should be done by next week. It’s cherry from trees that grew in CT and the wood was leftover from a stair job. Then we visited Ed’s mom who had surgery on her achilles tendon, and I sat and watched cooking shows with her while Ed worked out in the barn with his dad.
So pretty much I’m claiming credit for all Ed did this weekend, and I pretty much did nothing 🙂 But I’m growing a baby, so that’s my excuse.
Wow, I feel like a bum! Ed cleaned out our veggie garden, harvested the last of the carrots and ripped out stuff. I, ahem, sat inside and knitted after pointing out the carrots and generally telling him what to do. Then I knitted some more while he split wood from a dead tree he cut down in the woods behind our house. That was Saturday, and it was COLD!
Today it was rainy and miserable, so I knitted… while Ed worked on our dining table. It’s going to be so beautiful when its done! He’s putting the final coats of finish on it and it should be done by next week. It’s cherry from trees that grew in CT and the wood was leftover from a stair job. Then we visited Ed’s mom who had surgery on her achilles tendon, and I sat and watched cooking shows with her while Ed worked out in the barn with his dad.
So pretty much I’m claiming credit for all Ed did this weekend, and I pretty much did nothing 🙂 But I’m growing a baby, so that’s my excuse.
Wow, I feel like a bum! Ed cleaned out our veggie garden, harvested the last of the carrots and ripped out stuff. I, ahem, sat inside and knitted after pointing out the carrots and generally telling him what to do. Then I knitted some more while he split wood from a dead tree he cut down in the woods behind our house. That was Saturday, and it was COLD!
Today it was rainy and miserable, so I knitted… while Ed worked on our dining table. It’s going to be so beautiful when its done! He’s putting the final coats of finish on it and it should be done by next week. It’s cherry from trees that grew in CT and the wood was leftover from a stair job. Then we visited Ed’s mom who had surgery on her achilles tendon, and I sat and watched cooking shows with her while Ed worked out in the barn with his dad.
So pretty much I’m claiming credit for all Ed did this weekend, and I pretty much did nothing 🙂 But I’m growing a baby, so that’s my excuse.
Wow, I feel like a bum! Ed cleaned out our veggie garden, harvested the last of the carrots and ripped out stuff. I, ahem, sat inside and knitted after pointing out the carrots and generally telling him what to do. Then I knitted some more while he split wood from a dead tree he cut down in the woods behind our house. That was Saturday, and it was COLD!
Today it was rainy and miserable, so I knitted… while Ed worked on our dining table. It’s going to be so beautiful when its done! He’s putting the final coats of finish on it and it should be done by next week. It’s cherry from trees that grew in CT and the wood was leftover from a stair job. Then we visited Ed’s mom who had surgery on her achilles tendon, and I sat and watched cooking shows with her while Ed worked out in the barn with his dad.
So pretty much I’m claiming credit for all Ed did this weekend, and I pretty much did nothing 🙂 But I’m growing a baby, so that’s my excuse.
Wow, I feel like a bum! Ed cleaned out our veggie garden, harvested the last of the carrots and ripped out stuff. I, ahem, sat inside and knitted after pointing out the carrots and generally telling him what to do. Then I knitted some more while he split wood from a dead tree he cut down in the woods behind our house. That was Saturday, and it was COLD!
Today it was rainy and miserable, so I knitted… while Ed worked on our dining table. It’s going to be so beautiful when its done! He’s putting the final coats of finish on it and it should be done by next week. It’s cherry from trees that grew in CT and the wood was leftover from a stair job. Then we visited Ed’s mom who had surgery on her achilles tendon, and I sat and watched cooking shows with her while Ed worked out in the barn with his dad.
So pretty much I’m claiming credit for all Ed did this weekend, and I pretty much did nothing 🙂 But I’m growing a baby, so that’s my excuse.
Wow, I feel like a bum! Ed cleaned out our veggie garden, harvested the last of the carrots and ripped out stuff. I, ahem, sat inside and knitted after pointing out the carrots and generally telling him what to do. Then I knitted some more while he split wood from a dead tree he cut down in the woods behind our house. That was Saturday, and it was COLD!
Today it was rainy and miserable, so I knitted… while Ed worked on our dining table. It’s going to be so beautiful when its done! He’s putting the final coats of finish on it and it should be done by next week. It’s cherry from trees that grew in CT and the wood was leftover from a stair job. Then we visited Ed’s mom who had surgery on her achilles tendon, and I sat and watched cooking shows with her while Ed worked out in the barn with his dad.
So pretty much I’m claiming credit for all Ed did this weekend, and I pretty much did nothing 🙂 But I’m growing a baby, so that’s my excuse.
Wow, I feel like a bum! Ed cleaned out our veggie garden, harvested the last of the carrots and ripped out stuff. I, ahem, sat inside and knitted after pointing out the carrots and generally telling him what to do. Then I knitted some more while he split wood from a dead tree he cut down in the woods behind our house. That was Saturday, and it was COLD!
Today it was rainy and miserable, so I knitted… while Ed worked on our dining table. It’s going to be so beautiful when its done! He’s putting the final coats of finish on it and it should be done by next week. It’s cherry from trees that grew in CT and the wood was leftover from a stair job. Then we visited Ed’s mom who had surgery on her achilles tendon, and I sat and watched cooking shows with her while Ed worked out in the barn with his dad.
So pretty much I’m claiming credit for all Ed did this weekend, and I pretty much did nothing 🙂 But I’m growing a baby, so that’s my excuse.
Wow, I feel like a bum! Ed cleaned out our veggie garden, harvested the last of the carrots and ripped out stuff. I, ahem, sat inside and knitted after pointing out the carrots and generally telling him what to do. Then I knitted some more while he split wood from a dead tree he cut down in the woods behind our house. That was Saturday, and it was COLD!
Today it was rainy and miserable, so I knitted… while Ed worked on our dining table. It’s going to be so beautiful when its done! He’s putting the final coats of finish on it and it should be done by next week. It’s cherry from trees that grew in CT and the wood was leftover from a stair job. Then we visited Ed’s mom who had surgery on her achilles tendon, and I sat and watched cooking shows with her while Ed worked out in the barn with his dad.
So pretty much I’m claiming credit for all Ed did this weekend, and I pretty much did nothing 🙂 But I’m growing a baby, so that’s my excuse.
Wow, I feel like a bum! Ed cleaned out our veggie garden, harvested the last of the carrots and ripped out stuff. I, ahem, sat inside and knitted after pointing out the carrots and generally telling him what to do. Then I knitted some more while he split wood from a dead tree he cut down in the woods behind our house. That was Saturday, and it was COLD!
Today it was rainy and miserable, so I knitted… while Ed worked on our dining table. It’s going to be so beautiful when its done! He’s putting the final coats of finish on it and it should be done by next week. It’s cherry from trees that grew in CT and the wood was leftover from a stair job. Then we visited Ed’s mom who had surgery on her achilles tendon, and I sat and watched cooking shows with her while Ed worked out in the barn with his dad.
So pretty much I’m claiming credit for all Ed did this weekend, and I pretty much did nothing 🙂 But I’m growing a baby, so that’s my excuse.
Wow, I feel like a bum! Ed cleaned out our veggie garden, harvested the last of the carrots and ripped out stuff. I, ahem, sat inside and knitted after pointing out the carrots and generally telling him what to do. Then I knitted some more while he split wood from a dead tree he cut down in the woods behind our house. That was Saturday, and it was COLD!
Today it was rainy and miserable, so I knitted… while Ed worked on our dining table. It’s going to be so beautiful when its done! He’s putting the final coats of finish on it and it should be done by next week. It’s cherry from trees that grew in CT and the wood was leftover from a stair job. Then we visited Ed’s mom who had surgery on her achilles tendon, and I sat and watched cooking shows with her while Ed worked out in the barn with his dad.
So pretty much I’m claiming credit for all Ed did this weekend, and I pretty much did nothing 🙂 But I’m growing a baby, so that’s my excuse.