I Admit It…I’m A Softie

I went to college with a bunch of animal loving vegetarians. “How can you eat your animals!?” they would ask. My response? I’m not ready to stop eating meat so the next best thing I can do is make sure the animals I eat have the best life possible and that their lives are ended […]

Menu Plan Monday 10/19 – 10/24

Monday: Hamburgers/Hot dogs on the grill w/ rice Tuesday: Chicken patties & buttered noodles Wednesday: Homemade chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes w/ chicken gravy Thursday: Baked Walleye w/ Alfredo shells Friday: Baked rotini w/ garlic bread Saturday: Pizza & breadsticks What’s on your plate this week? Check out what others are eating over at this […]

Harvest of Friends Blog Party

This is my post for the Harvest of Friends blog party hosted by Lynnette Kraft over at Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground. Lynnette has come up with the following 20 questions so that we can get to know each other better. I thought it would be fun to try to answer all 20 so here […]