Farm Widow?

This is the time of year that truly defines a farmer’s wife. Getting through the 3 months of harvest season says more about a marriage than the other 9 months put together, IMO. It started here today. If you haven’t married a farmer like me it might help you to think of harvesting like deer […]

Trash Day

Tomorrow is trash day so, obviously, we take out the trash. I have also learned that tonight is the best time to clean out the fridge. I go through and sniff things, inspect containers of who-knows-what, and ask hubby if he is ever going to eat the leftover whatever or if I should just pitch […]

Menu Plan Monday

I have been doing menu plans steadily for the last 4 weeks, I just haven’t been posting them. I made myself up a handy template and plan for 2 weeks at a time now. I’ll just share one week here to keep the suspense going. 😛 Monday: Grilled Cheese with potato balls (potato balls are […]

Pumpkin Oat Bars

These are so yummy and, like apple bread, good for breakfast or snacking. 1/2 C white sugar 1/2 C packed brown sugar 1/2 C butter, softened 1/2 tsp baking soda sprinkle of cinnamon sprinkle of nutmeg 1/2 tsp vanilla pinch of baking powder pinch of salt 1 egg 1 1/2 C quick oats 1 cup […]

The Concept of Cable Knitting

I’m taking a class at my local yarn shop to learn the art of cable knitting. We are using Debbie Macomber’s Cabled Sampler Scarf pattern, available for free here. I was intimidated by cables at first but now I’m two thirds of the way through the second cabled section and it is coming very easy […]

The Best Gift

As I was putting fresh sheets on the bed tonight I realized how much I enjoy our heated blanket. We get so much use out of it, relying on it every night from October until May. It was a gift from my Mom a few years ago. Our blanket is the type that has two […]

Around the farm

Welcome to my new “home” on the web!  I’d love some feedback on the new look – good, bad, or indifferent. I know it has been awhile so here’s a look at what’s going on around the farm… Since the ewes are off being bred and the one ram lamb died the last little ram […]