This post is linked to Frugal Fridays over @ Life As Mom. Click the image below to check out the other great tips!


You may recall that awhile back we joined a cow share program. I had really good intentions of making all sorts of things with the milk but have yet to get around to most of it. That, combined with the fact that we’re still not quite comfortable drinking it raw, plus the fact that it only stays fresh about a week, all means that we have a lot of milk building up. I had 3 gallons of souring milk in the fridge already when I picked up a fresh gallon yesterday. I made mozzarella with the new gallon (more on that later!).

What’s a girl to do with all the sour milk? Use it! That’s the nice thing about raw milk: it sours instead of rotting. It works wonderfully in all that bread I’ve been making and freezing. The recipe I use calls for dry milk and water. I substitute the same amount of milk for the water and leave out the dry milk. I shake the gallon really well first, heat to the proper temperature, stir well, and viola! I think it may have even improved the texture and the flavor of the bread.

Since I’m still trying to catch up I’ve been freezing some of it to use later on too. I used ice cube trays and lots of small dishes to freeze easy to use chunks.

What do you when you have extra milk?

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34 Responses

  1. I’ve never done this myself but I remember my mother canning milk in the pressure canner when I was little. I know I’ve heard of other on the web who do the same. It would be something to look into.

    1. I love this idea! It would be great to have it in the pantry when I don’t want to run to the store, or in case of a blizzard or something closing us in. Plus, I hate filling my freezer with anything that can be canned. Now why didn’t I think of this before? Thanks!

  2. My grandmother used to pasteurize their milk on the wood stove by bringing heating it to just before it boiled. I asked what temperature and she laughed! That’s one of those practical skills I was talking about, haha.

    If you’ve made mozzarella (I want pics! I have the ingredients but not the drive right now to make it…) you can totally make ricotta. I used the recipe from the Simple Green Frugal Co-op and it was easy peasy.

    Do you have the cream, too? You could make butter and use the buttermilk to make this cheese, which I’m dying to try!

    Hmmm… Have you tried making yogurt? I never have but I bet it would be a good way to use up the milk. Then you could make the yogurt cheese here (the sour cream recipe looks good, too)

    Finally, I would make a bunch of ice cream. It will freeze just fine!

    1. Great ideas. I remember when you made the ricotta. I was all excited to try it but Brian freaked out and said it is very different from cottage cheese and he hates ricotta so it would go to waste around here since I don’t eat either one. I wondered though if he would really know the difference if I didn’t tell him…! I’ll have to check out those links. The milk comes with quite a bit of cream on top (several inches in a gallon milk jug) so I can use that. How cool would it be to make a totally local cheesemake. Oh my.
      I made one batch of ice cream and it was really good, guess I should make more. So now that my mouth is watering – we don’t get another gallon until next week!

  3. My grandmother used to pasteurize their milk on the wood stove by bringing heating it to just before it boiled. I asked what temperature and she laughed! That’s one of those practical skills I was talking about, haha.

    If you’ve made mozzarella (I want pics! I have the ingredients but not the drive right now to make it…) you can totally make ricotta. I used the recipe from the Simple Green Frugal Co-op and it was easy peasy.

    Do you have the cream, too? You could make butter and use the buttermilk to make this cheese, which I’m dying to try!

    Hmmm… Have you tried making yogurt? I never have but I bet it would be a good way to use up the milk. Then you could make the yogurt cheese here (the sour cream recipe looks good, too)

    Finally, I would make a bunch of ice cream. It will freeze just fine!

  4. My grandmother used to pasteurize their milk on the wood stove by bringing heating it to just before it boiled. I asked what temperature and she laughed! That’s one of those practical skills I was talking about, haha.

    If you’ve made mozzarella (I want pics! I have the ingredients but not the drive right now to make it…) you can totally make ricotta. I used the recipe from the Simple Green Frugal Co-op and it was easy peasy.

    Do you have the cream, too? You could make butter and use the buttermilk to make this cheese, which I’m dying to try!

    Hmmm… Have you tried making yogurt? I never have but I bet it would be a good way to use up the milk. Then you could make the yogurt cheese here (the sour cream recipe looks good, too)

    Finally, I would make a bunch of ice cream. It will freeze just fine!

  5. My grandmother used to pasteurize their milk on the wood stove by bringing heating it to just before it boiled. I asked what temperature and she laughed! That’s one of those practical skills I was talking about, haha.

    If you’ve made mozzarella (I want pics! I have the ingredients but not the drive right now to make it…) you can totally make ricotta. I used the recipe from the Simple Green Frugal Co-op and it was easy peasy.

    Do you have the cream, too? You could make butter and use the buttermilk to make this cheese, which I’m dying to try!

    Hmmm… Have you tried making yogurt? I never have but I bet it would be a good way to use up the milk. Then you could make the yogurt cheese here (the sour cream recipe looks good, too)

    Finally, I would make a bunch of ice cream. It will freeze just fine!

  6. My grandmother used to pasteurize their milk on the wood stove by bringing heating it to just before it boiled. I asked what temperature and she laughed! That’s one of those practical skills I was talking about, haha.

    If you’ve made mozzarella (I want pics! I have the ingredients but not the drive right now to make it…) you can totally make ricotta. I used the recipe from the Simple Green Frugal Co-op and it was easy peasy.

    Do you have the cream, too? You could make butter and use the buttermilk to make this cheese, which I’m dying to try!

    Hmmm… Have you tried making yogurt? I never have but I bet it would be a good way to use up the milk. Then you could make the yogurt cheese here (the sour cream recipe looks good, too)

    Finally, I would make a bunch of ice cream. It will freeze just fine!

  7. My grandmother used to pasteurize their milk on the wood stove by bringing heating it to just before it boiled. I asked what temperature and she laughed! That’s one of those practical skills I was talking about, haha.

    If you’ve made mozzarella (I want pics! I have the ingredients but not the drive right now to make it…) you can totally make ricotta. I used the recipe from the Simple Green Frugal Co-op and it was easy peasy.

    Do you have the cream, too? You could make butter and use the buttermilk to make this cheese, which I’m dying to try!

    Hmmm… Have you tried making yogurt? I never have but I bet it would be a good way to use up the milk. Then you could make the yogurt cheese here (the sour cream recipe looks good, too)

    Finally, I would make a bunch of ice cream. It will freeze just fine!

  8. My grandmother used to pasteurize their milk on the wood stove by bringing heating it to just before it boiled. I asked what temperature and she laughed! That’s one of those practical skills I was talking about, haha.

    If you’ve made mozzarella (I want pics! I have the ingredients but not the drive right now to make it…) you can totally make ricotta. I used the recipe from the Simple Green Frugal Co-op and it was easy peasy.

    Do you have the cream, too? You could make butter and use the buttermilk to make this cheese, which I’m dying to try!

    Hmmm… Have you tried making yogurt? I never have but I bet it would be a good way to use up the milk. Then you could make the yogurt cheese here (the sour cream recipe looks good, too)

    Finally, I would make a bunch of ice cream. It will freeze just fine!

  9. My grandmother used to pasteurize their milk on the wood stove by bringing heating it to just before it boiled. I asked what temperature and she laughed! That’s one of those practical skills I was talking about, haha.

    If you’ve made mozzarella (I want pics! I have the ingredients but not the drive right now to make it…) you can totally make ricotta. I used the recipe from the Simple Green Frugal Co-op and it was easy peasy.

    Do you have the cream, too? You could make butter and use the buttermilk to make this cheese, which I’m dying to try!

    Hmmm… Have you tried making yogurt? I never have but I bet it would be a good way to use up the milk. Then you could make the yogurt cheese here (the sour cream recipe looks good, too)

    Finally, I would make a bunch of ice cream. It will freeze just fine!

  10. My grandmother used to pasteurize their milk on the wood stove by bringing heating it to just before it boiled. I asked what temperature and she laughed! That’s one of those practical skills I was talking about, haha.

    If you’ve made mozzarella (I want pics! I have the ingredients but not the drive right now to make it…) you can totally make ricotta. I used the recipe from the Simple Green Frugal Co-op and it was easy peasy.

    Do you have the cream, too? You could make butter and use the buttermilk to make this cheese, which I’m dying to try!

    Hmmm… Have you tried making yogurt? I never have but I bet it would be a good way to use up the milk. Then you could make the yogurt cheese here (the sour cream recipe looks good, too)

    Finally, I would make a bunch of ice cream. It will freeze just fine!

  11. My grandmother used to pasteurize their milk on the wood stove by bringing heating it to just before it boiled. I asked what temperature and she laughed! That’s one of those practical skills I was talking about, haha.

    If you’ve made mozzarella (I want pics! I have the ingredients but not the drive right now to make it…) you can totally make ricotta. I used the recipe from the Simple Green Frugal Co-op and it was easy peasy.

    Do you have the cream, too? You could make butter and use the buttermilk to make this cheese, which I’m dying to try!

    Hmmm… Have you tried making yogurt? I never have but I bet it would be a good way to use up the milk. Then you could make the yogurt cheese here (the sour cream recipe looks good, too)

    Finally, I would make a bunch of ice cream. It will freeze just fine!

  12. My grandmother used to pasteurize their milk on the wood stove by bringing heating it to just before it boiled. I asked what temperature and she laughed! That’s one of those practical skills I was talking about, haha.

    If you’ve made mozzarella (I want pics! I have the ingredients but not the drive right now to make it…) you can totally make ricotta. I used the recipe from the Simple Green Frugal Co-op and it was easy peasy.

    Do you have the cream, too? You could make butter and use the buttermilk to make this cheese, which I’m dying to try!

    Hmmm… Have you tried making yogurt? I never have but I bet it would be a good way to use up the milk. Then you could make the yogurt cheese here (the sour cream recipe looks good, too)

    Finally, I would make a bunch of ice cream. It will freeze just fine!

  13. My grandmother used to pasteurize their milk on the wood stove by bringing heating it to just before it boiled. I asked what temperature and she laughed! That’s one of those practical skills I was talking about, haha.

    If you’ve made mozzarella (I want pics! I have the ingredients but not the drive right now to make it…) you can totally make ricotta. I used the recipe from the Simple Green Frugal Co-op and it was easy peasy.

    Do you have the cream, too? You could make butter and use the buttermilk to make this cheese, which I’m dying to try!

    Hmmm… Have you tried making yogurt? I never have but I bet it would be a good way to use up the milk. Then you could make the yogurt cheese here (the sour cream recipe looks good, too)

    Finally, I would make a bunch of ice cream. It will freeze just fine!

  14. My grandmother used to pasteurize their milk on the wood stove by bringing heating it to just before it boiled. I asked what temperature and she laughed! That’s one of those practical skills I was talking about, haha.

    If you’ve made mozzarella (I want pics! I have the ingredients but not the drive right now to make it…) you can totally make ricotta. I used the recipe from the Simple Green Frugal Co-op and it was easy peasy.

    Do you have the cream, too? You could make butter and use the buttermilk to make this cheese, which I’m dying to try!

    Hmmm… Have you tried making yogurt? I never have but I bet it would be a good way to use up the milk. Then you could make the yogurt cheese here (the sour cream recipe looks good, too)

    Finally, I would make a bunch of ice cream. It will freeze just fine!

    1. LoL. Okay, maybe I’ll tell him I found a new recipe that is supposed to be cottage cheese. 😀
      My hairdresser said her husband wouldn’t drink skim milk… she started buying it and very carefully swapping the labels AND the colored top. He never noticed until one day when they went grocery shopping together and she decided to tell him. He wasn’t thrilled but said if he hadn’t noticed he guessed it was fine. Deceptive I guess but hey, whatever works! Lol.

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