Yeah, that’s what I’ve been doing.  Avoiding the thought.  You see, tomorrow I have the day off work… so I can have my wisdom teeth extracted.  I’ve heard about great experiences and horrible ones.  I’m just hoping I don’t blab to the Dr. too much since I’ll be heavily sedated but not out.  Oh, and I hope I live through it.  😉

So that’s what on my mind, at least every few minutes when it wins out over thinking about more useful things.  What’ s on your mind tonight?

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16 Responses

  1. I had mine out, no problems at all! Unless you count waking up and being covered in breast milk! 🙂 LOL I was nursing my first baby, so I had no idea that would happen! I’m sure you’ll be just fine. 🙂 The only thing on my mind right now is getting these kids ready for bed so we can go to bed early tonight…I am beat! 🙂 Oh, but I still need to tie in the ends of the dishcloths I made to give to my secret santa at work tomorrow! I wanted to make 6, but got 5 done. Well, done as soon as I tie in those ends and wrap them! Best wishes for tomorrow!

  2. I had mine out – no problems either! I dont think I talked too much. They put me in a room with a big sea mural painted on the wall and supposedly I remarked that the fish were swimming. 🙂 other than that, no big deal. Get lots of rest! I’ll be praying for you tomorrow!

  3. I still have all my wisdom teeth. Apparently there’s plenty of room in my big mouth.

    I’m thinking about wrapping things up at school before vacation and how I’m ever going to be ready for Christmas NEXT week already!

  4. I still have all my wisdom teeth. Apparently there’s plenty of room in my big mouth.

    I’m thinking about wrapping things up at school before vacation and how I’m ever going to be ready for Christmas NEXT week already!

  5. I still have all my wisdom teeth. Apparently there’s plenty of room in my big mouth.

    I’m thinking about wrapping things up at school before vacation and how I’m ever going to be ready for Christmas NEXT week already!

  6. I still have all my wisdom teeth. Apparently there’s plenty of room in my big mouth.

    I’m thinking about wrapping things up at school before vacation and how I’m ever going to be ready for Christmas NEXT week already!

  7. I still have all my wisdom teeth. Apparently there’s plenty of room in my big mouth.

    I’m thinking about wrapping things up at school before vacation and how I’m ever going to be ready for Christmas NEXT week already!

  8. I still have all my wisdom teeth. Apparently there’s plenty of room in my big mouth.

    I’m thinking about wrapping things up at school before vacation and how I’m ever going to be ready for Christmas NEXT week already!

  9. I still have all my wisdom teeth. Apparently there’s plenty of room in my big mouth.

    I’m thinking about wrapping things up at school before vacation and how I’m ever going to be ready for Christmas NEXT week already!

  10. I still have all my wisdom teeth. Apparently there’s plenty of room in my big mouth.

    I’m thinking about wrapping things up at school before vacation and how I’m ever going to be ready for Christmas NEXT week already!

  11. I still have all my wisdom teeth. Apparently there’s plenty of room in my big mouth.

    I’m thinking about wrapping things up at school before vacation and how I’m ever going to be ready for Christmas NEXT week already!

  12. I still have all my wisdom teeth. Apparently there’s plenty of room in my big mouth.

    I’m thinking about wrapping things up at school before vacation and how I’m ever going to be ready for Christmas NEXT week already!

  13. I still have all my wisdom teeth. Apparently there’s plenty of room in my big mouth.

    I’m thinking about wrapping things up at school before vacation and how I’m ever going to be ready for Christmas NEXT week already!

  14. I still have all my wisdom teeth. Apparently there’s plenty of room in my big mouth.

    I’m thinking about wrapping things up at school before vacation and how I’m ever going to be ready for Christmas NEXT week already!

  15. Oh, good luck! I hope it goes well! I still have mine, but only 3 of them actually formed. I had to get fillings in 2 of them this summer though. = / I’ll be thinking of you today!!

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