I’m home and still alive. 🙂  My mouth doesn’t hurt nearly as bad as I figured it would, at least not so far.  What I hate is that my entire bottom lip and chin are still completely numb.  I’ve had some ice cream and macaroni and cheese to eat without a problem but the water is what hurt.  My Mom stayed with me today and took really good care of me.  She even did some dishes and made some pie crusts for me.  Then Brian came home and made me oatmeal and peaches.  I can’t wait until it cools, it smells soooo good.

Thank you all for your very kind words of reassurement.  I enjoyed hearing what was on your minds last night.  It super comforting to wake up this morning, anxious, and have such nice comments.  Thanks for the voice mail too.

I don’t think I’m being a wimp about this but it is very inconvenient.  I was thinking that parts of this must be similar to when woman have babies.  Of course that would be a much bigger ordeal and last many, many more days.  Just the whole relying on other people and having certain life functions (in my case, eating) challenged.  Of course I can sleep when I want. 🙂  Still, I can’t say I’m looking forward to needing so much help someday down the line.

Anyway, I’m making the best of it.  I have more knitting to do and am partway through reading The Plains of Passage, book 4 in Jean M. Auel’s Earth’s Children series.  I haven’t done much reading just for enjoyment in the last few years and man, did I miss it.  The EC books are so good!  If you’re interested in animals and “the simple life”  you may like them too.  They follow the story of one woman, Ayla, as she navigates her way through the time when wooly mammoths still walk the Earth.  She domesticates some animals along the way, hunts and forages for food, and uses herbs for all kinds of great remedies.  I need to go back and read book 1 someday but read part of book 2 years ago and just finished book 3 after buying it at a rummage sale last summer.

What are you reading lately?  What do you like to do when you’re not feeling well?  Who takes care of you, and how do you handle that?

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32 Responses

  1. Enjoy reading! I have to say that Plains of Passage was my least favorite of the series. Lots of action, but it just didn’t do it for me. Loved Valley of Horses the best, and Shelters of Stone is pretty good. I must admit I’m even on an email update list for when the next book is coming out… Soon I hope!

    Haha, I’m such a nerd 🙂

    1. I’ve been pleasantly surprised with POP so far. I was wondering how interesting it could possibly be when just the two of them are traveling the whole time. It is a lot better than I thought though. In a way I can’t wait to get to SOS but then I’ll be waiting for the next one like you. Is the update list you’re on through the EC fan club? I visited that site enough to see that she’s working on the sixth book, right? So exciting!

  2. Enjoy reading! I have to say that Plains of Passage was my least favorite of the series. Lots of action, but it just didn’t do it for me. Loved Valley of Horses the best, and Shelters of Stone is pretty good. I must admit I’m even on an email update list for when the next book is coming out… Soon I hope!

    Haha, I’m such a nerd 🙂

  3. Enjoy reading! I have to say that Plains of Passage was my least favorite of the series. Lots of action, but it just didn’t do it for me. Loved Valley of Horses the best, and Shelters of Stone is pretty good. I must admit I’m even on an email update list for when the next book is coming out… Soon I hope!

    Haha, I’m such a nerd 🙂

  4. Enjoy reading! I have to say that Plains of Passage was my least favorite of the series. Lots of action, but it just didn’t do it for me. Loved Valley of Horses the best, and Shelters of Stone is pretty good. I must admit I’m even on an email update list for when the next book is coming out… Soon I hope!

    Haha, I’m such a nerd 🙂

  5. Enjoy reading! I have to say that Plains of Passage was my least favorite of the series. Lots of action, but it just didn’t do it for me. Loved Valley of Horses the best, and Shelters of Stone is pretty good. I must admit I’m even on an email update list for when the next book is coming out… Soon I hope!

    Haha, I’m such a nerd 🙂

  6. Enjoy reading! I have to say that Plains of Passage was my least favorite of the series. Lots of action, but it just didn’t do it for me. Loved Valley of Horses the best, and Shelters of Stone is pretty good. I must admit I’m even on an email update list for when the next book is coming out… Soon I hope!

    Haha, I’m such a nerd 🙂

  7. Enjoy reading! I have to say that Plains of Passage was my least favorite of the series. Lots of action, but it just didn’t do it for me. Loved Valley of Horses the best, and Shelters of Stone is pretty good. I must admit I’m even on an email update list for when the next book is coming out… Soon I hope!

    Haha, I’m such a nerd 🙂

  8. Enjoy reading! I have to say that Plains of Passage was my least favorite of the series. Lots of action, but it just didn’t do it for me. Loved Valley of Horses the best, and Shelters of Stone is pretty good. I must admit I’m even on an email update list for when the next book is coming out… Soon I hope!

    Haha, I’m such a nerd 🙂

  9. Enjoy reading! I have to say that Plains of Passage was my least favorite of the series. Lots of action, but it just didn’t do it for me. Loved Valley of Horses the best, and Shelters of Stone is pretty good. I must admit I’m even on an email update list for when the next book is coming out… Soon I hope!

    Haha, I’m such a nerd 🙂

  10. Enjoy reading! I have to say that Plains of Passage was my least favorite of the series. Lots of action, but it just didn’t do it for me. Loved Valley of Horses the best, and Shelters of Stone is pretty good. I must admit I’m even on an email update list for when the next book is coming out… Soon I hope!

    Haha, I’m such a nerd 🙂

  11. Enjoy reading! I have to say that Plains of Passage was my least favorite of the series. Lots of action, but it just didn’t do it for me. Loved Valley of Horses the best, and Shelters of Stone is pretty good. I must admit I’m even on an email update list for when the next book is coming out… Soon I hope!

    Haha, I’m such a nerd 🙂

  12. Enjoy reading! I have to say that Plains of Passage was my least favorite of the series. Lots of action, but it just didn’t do it for me. Loved Valley of Horses the best, and Shelters of Stone is pretty good. I must admit I’m even on an email update list for when the next book is coming out… Soon I hope!

    Haha, I’m such a nerd 🙂

  13. So glad that you are doing well. I’m reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn for book club; Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (reading during work lunches); and then for fun I just finished Hot Mahogany by Stuart Woods and will be starting a J.R. Ward book next. Of course, before I do much more reading I really should get my Christmas presents done.

    Happy Holidays,

  14. How nice that they’re taking good care of you!!! I’m not reading much of anything lately. If I get something before Christmas I’ll love myself in it and not do anything useful until I’m done!!! When I’m not feeling well I like to sleep and watch TV, I guess. I usually channel surf until I fall asleep because I’m hardly ever happy with anything there is to watch. No one really takes care of me (waaaaaa!), but if Daniel has movies, food and things to do he’s good at entertaining himself so I can rest. I just don’t like to do that more than I have to because leaving him to movies for too long makes him seem “more autistic” later. If that makes sense. Steve has to work, but he’ll take care of himself when he gets home. When the baby comes?! I have no idea! I can’t wait for it to happen and I’m sort of nervous at the same time!

    1. You’re exactly right, being caught up in a good book is a really bad idea this time of year. It has cutting in to my time spent knitting up gifts.
      I like to sleep a lot too, being in bed is just about my favorite thing to do lately. Do you have anyone coming to help when the baby is born or are you just going to make do? I’m not sure what I’d want in that situation, it seems like being stressed and exhausted would make it hard to have extra people around.

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