So there was a good saleโ€ฆ

I got:

Basically weโ€™re covered on ham and hot dogs for about 6 months, chocolate chips for the year, store bought tomato products for quite awhile, marshmallows for the year (I hope), deodorant and yeast for quite awhile, and chicken patties for the occasional quick dinner now and then.

If you havenโ€™t paid attention to the sale ads lately you might be missing out.ย  Baking stables are on sale for a steal this time of year!ย  Hope youโ€™re all enjoying the season!

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22 Responses

  1. Great stock up! I have noticed lately that there are several things I should have stocked up on over the summer because they aren;t running sales on them now and they are DOUBLE the price! Egads! I was miffed at hubby….last week before I got to go through the ads he gave them to his dad because he was painting! ๐Ÿ™‚ The week before though I stocked up on fresh boneless/skinless chicken breasts…99 cents per pound! Everytime I went to town I went in and bought them out! ๐Ÿ™‚ LOL And there were saltines…a buck a box. Lots of good sales to look out for.

    1. I have to admit I sneak my fair share now and then. I have a feeling though that with the holidays I won’t be wanting sweets for awhile. I stash all my chips in a drawer, out of sight helps a little.

  2. Wow!!! I’ve been trying to stock up on things that I see are on sale…but I haven’t done it with baking stuff except for flour yet. I have a great tortilla recipe if you want it. =) It’s so nice to have the convenience of the store ones, since they stay fresh for longer (so you can use them spur-of-the-moment), but the homemade ones always disappear before they go bad in our house! =)

  3. I love the stock up sales. I’m fortunate that I go by Hy-vee on the way to and from work so, even though they frequently have limits, I can stop in and pick up that 88 cent flour on several occasions. I’ve also been known to send my husband and daughter through separate checkout lines to get things- is that devious or what…

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