Did we make it?  Well the short answer is almost.  I just went through the entire list and am happy to say that what we didn’t accomplish fit on the back of an envelope.  It just figures that there are one or two things in each place that we didn’t get to.  That’s what lack of focus does I guess.  The one room I completely finished was the kitchen, until we had the new front door installed.  Now I have to redo the trim on that wall.  The living room is all done too except for needing 2 more curtains.  The basement didn’t get much attention at all, that will have to do done in 2010.

Here’s the complete list of what’s left:

Where we accomplished the most was outside.  I am so impressed – I can hardly believe how different our yard looks!!  My husband rocks!  We hired a helper for a few weeks to get some of the work done.  Then, Brian borrowed a friend’s excavator and tore down our garage.  It looks so much better out there.  Plus we had a whole new roof put on the shed that burned and we put up a new barn for the animals.  I guess I owe you guys some pictures!

So my whole goal with the Git ‘Er Done list was to avoid feeling overwhelmed in 2010.  Did it work?  I think so.  I feel so proud of what we have accomplished.  In the grand scheme of things we don’t have that much more to do.  There will always be repairs and maintenance to be done but the bulk of the fixing up and tearing down is done.  Yahoo!!

How did you do on your projects in 2009?  Do you feel better now?

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0 Responses

  1. Good for you! We didn’t get ANYTHING done. Nothing. And the windows I painted the year before last need to be painted again. I thought I did it right, but apparently not.

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