Chick Pics and Setting More

The chicks are doing great.  I moved them to the brooder after about 38 hours in the bator (for the oldest ones).  They are super vigorous and healthy, I am thrilled! I don’t know if you can see it in the pics at all but they are already getting some little feather on the tips […]

We’ve Got Chicks!

I’m sorry the picture quality is so poor – it’s hard to get good pictures inside the incubator.  Yesterday 4 eggs had pipped before I went to bed.  Pipping is when they peck at the inside of the shell a bit and you can see a crack in that spot.  Brian got called in to […]

I’m still here, and a list of excuses

They’re not really excuses I guess,  just the truth about what’s been taking up all my time lately! 🙂 My routine is all messed up. I usually get up a little before 7, clean the house  and do my general housework until about 8:30 or so, eat breakfast while blogging, then do chores and go […]

2010 Seed Order

Old Homestead Bean (Kentucky Wonder Pole) Tendercrisp Celery Black Aztec Sweet Corn True Gold Sweet Corn Long Purple Eggplant Yellow of Parma Onion Tall Telephone Garden Pea (2) Big Month Tomato Amish Paste Tomato Jersey Giant Tomato Rutgers Tomato Purple Podded Pole Bean Arikara Sunflower All ordered through Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds at

We’re in the Foothills

That’s the best way I can describe our current financial situation.  A lot of people compare getting out of debt to climbing a mountain.  As of Tuesday’s paycheck we will only have one more thing to save up and pay for before we can tackle that mountain.  I am so excited to be at this […]

Sunday Stroll

I actually took these pics earlier in the week with the hope of posting a Sunday Stroll.  It has taken all day to get the pics loaded with my sporadic internet connection but here they are… A steer playing peek-a-boo Apparently the wild rabbits have been snacking on our hay Gee Sam, you weren’t nosing […]

Deciding What to Grow

I’ll be expanding our garden again this year.  Even though we’ll have more space I want to cut back on the variety a bit and focus on the staples.  We’re slowly eating more and more food that we’ve grown ourselves.  Last year I put up a ton of food that I gleaned from friends and […]

Putting Together the Farm Newsletter: Part 1

I’m keeping notes for myself here and if it proves to be a worthwhile process I’ll post it for those who might want to make their own newsletter someday.  I began by Googling “farm newsletter” then “beef farm newsletter” to get closer to the type of farm that we have.  You wouldn’t believe how many […]

My Favorite Gardening Book

Feel blessed, I’m revealing to you my secret weapon when it comes to gardening. Not that my garden is fabulous, but still, I grow a good chunk of our food. Here it is…***drumroll*** The Self-Sufficient Gardener by John Seymour. I have the original 1979 version but there is a newer version available as well. It […]

How to Burn Up a Saturday

My Mom came out last night and stayed over.  She came to pick up a quarter of beef for her freezer and it was nice to visit.  This morning her, Brian, and I were chatting.  “So what do you do around here when you’re not canning and freezing all that food,”  she inquired.  I laughed.  […]