I’m sorry the picture quality is so poor – it’s hard to get good pictures inside the incubator. Yesterday 4 eggs had pipped before I went to bed. Pipping is when they peck at the inside of the shell a bit and you can see a crack in that spot. Brian got called in to work at 4:30 this morning and woke me up to tell me that we had 2 chicks! When I got up again at 7 there were 3! Then, when I came home from work tonight we had a total of 5. Now I’m sitting next to the incubator typing this and watching #6 hatch. So far I don’t see any pips from the remaining 4 eggs so this might be it.
If you’re serious about wanting to hatch chicks I suggest you check out the BYC forum (it’s on my sidebar). That’s were I learned everything I know about the topic, and only in the last month or so. Right now I can see a logistics problem. This time I didn’t have many hatch out of the original 24. I’m hoping that’s because so many of the eggs came out of the refrigerator. However, if I had even 15 or 20 eggs hatch I think they would be pretty crowded in the Brinsea incubator. It holds 24 eggs fine but when they start hatching they would be all over each other. You aren’t supposed to open the bator until all the chicks are hatched so I couldn’t remove them as they hatched.
I am very happy with the incubator and still think it was the best choice for me. I’m thinking if this works out and I start hatching a lot that maybe another bator would be good to use for hatching. That way I could put in new eggs every 3 days if I wanted, in the Brinsea, and then just pull out the ones ready for hatching and move them to the other one. I’ll have to see what I can find.
#6 is almost out now! It is pretty amazing – oh now he’s out! What a cute little bugger. He’s peep-peep-peeping. His butt is stuck in his egg. Picture someone falling in a toilet, for lack of a better description. Aww, I think I’m in love. <3
We’ll wait and see if anymore show signs of hatching. If not I’ll take the chicks out tomorrow after work and move them to the brooder. More (and better) pics coming soon! 🙂
Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I’m hoping to get the baby some chicks for Easter this year, if we get the coop done.
can you imagine how cute baby pics with chicks would be? oh my!
Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I’m hoping to get the baby some chicks for Easter this year, if we get the coop done.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I’m hoping to get the baby some chicks for Easter this year, if we get the coop done.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I’m hoping to get the baby some chicks for Easter this year, if we get the coop done.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I’m hoping to get the baby some chicks for Easter this year, if we get the coop done.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I’m hoping to get the baby some chicks for Easter this year, if we get the coop done.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I’m hoping to get the baby some chicks for Easter this year, if we get the coop done.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I’m hoping to get the baby some chicks for Easter this year, if we get the coop done.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I’m hoping to get the baby some chicks for Easter this year, if we get the coop done.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I’m hoping to get the baby some chicks for Easter this year, if we get the coop done.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I’m hoping to get the baby some chicks for Easter this year, if we get the coop done.
Hatching chick always amaze me. Congrats on the new additions.
thanks! I’m pretty thrilled.
that’s awesome! i’m pretty excited for you 🙂
hehe excited for me or excited for eggs? 😉
Awwwww! I wish I could see!!! =D I know Daniel would absolutely LOVE it, too!!