Menu Plan Monday

What do you think, can I do a menu plan all year long?  No, I’m sure not.  I’ll try my best except for the weeks when Brian is in the field, then it’s just not worth it to try and plan.  In the meantime though, here’s what’s on my menu: Sunday: Meatball Subs w/ Garlic […]

Let Me Challenge You

Hear me out for a minute here.  Take in this simple little post in it’s entirety before you click away.  Please, because if you’re reading this it’s likely that I know you, at least on some level, and that I care about you.  It’s likely that I want the best for you, so read on. […]

Website Launch

Okay, our website is live and online! Just in time to ring in the new year. I’ll be adding more content as we go but for the most part I’m happy with it. Please pop over, take a look, and let me know what you think. If it is slow loading, not easy to navigate, […]