For those of you looking for a sunrise panorama or something else stunning, you’re going to be disappointed…

This, my friends, is truly a beautiful sight to me.  Why, you might ask.  Because… don’t you see that nice new outlet that both the toaster AND the coffee pot are plugged in to?  I used to have the coffee pot on one end of the counter and the toaster on the other.  The TV that sits on top of the fridge had to plug in there by the coffee pot which meant the toaster had to move.  Now the TV has isn’t own outlet, conveniently placed right up behind the fridge.  My counter looks so much tidier and nice!   Having the house rewired was definitely a safety issue but it sure came with some nice perks.

To make your visit worth it I’ll throw in some cute pics. 🙂

Hope you have a great weekend!

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