So I got my hair cut.  A LOT.  It was down to my lower back.  I donated it to Locks for Love.  I also had it colored to cover up my old highlights.  Turns out my roots are a lot darker then I thought but I really like it!  Brian likes it too because I’ve atually been styling it.  It’s fun.  There was really no point in having it so long since I almost never wore it down.  Plus, it was giving me headaches it was so heavy!

I treated myself to a shopping trip to Goodwill on Friday.  Here’s what I got:

Total spent: $23.  I <3 Goodwill! 🙂

^ Jeans & sweater, cute enough for church this morning! 🙂

What kind of deals have you found lately?  Where do you get your clothes?

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0 Responses

  1. You look very pretty! I am growing my hair out for lock’s of love as well! Im hoping by the end of the summer it will finally be long enough. I love your new, used finds. I always like going to the thrift store even if I just find material that I can make into something for myself or a gift! Have a great week!

    1. That’s a bummer about your thrift shops. There are some in our town like that too but the Goodwill is usually pretty good. Some day when I have kids I’d like to get a group of moms together and go all over to different stores. Some friends of mine did that and made out good!

  2. I like the haircut!! You did great at Goodwill, too! I’ve been spending a lot of money lately getting ready for the baby. I’m not buying a lot of silly gadgets and gear, but cloth and reusable anything really adds up. It will be worth it in the end, though.

    For clothes I usually shop at Maurices. It’s a store in town that has nice casual and work clothes and I’m not too old to shop there yet. lol! I hate when I got to a store and I feel like I’m trying to wear things that are too young for me, you know? I like how I can find things that actually fit my body (when I’m not pregnant!!!!!!) and the girls who work there are super happy to bring you outfits and work with you. Yes, I probably spend more money because of that…but it’s nice to have Daniel with me in the changing room and I don’t have to leave and drag him around with me- it’s just so much easier. I take advantage of that. Most things are reasonably priced. No cheap…but not too expensive either. (Although you’ll only get 1nice top or maybe 2 tank tops for 23!!)

    1. I guess you pay for quality with the baby stuff. It’s so great that you’re being selective though instead of buying all the junk!
      I’m jealous, we don’t have any stores around here where the staff helps you like that. That’s one thing I miss about my Mom taking me shopping when I was a kid. That and her paying! 😉

  3. You have beautiful hair, Jena! And the outfit is really cute, too. 🙂

    I just cut my hair for locks of love this last January. It was fun, but I still can’t get over how ridiculously short my hair feels! 🙂

  4. For me who is a little fluffy – I used a Lane Byrant coupon on Firday. It was Buy $15.00 and get $15.00 free……….so I bought a shirt off the rack that was $39 marked off by 30% – then used the coupon, it was under the $15.00 so I purchased a pair of socks and it cost me $4.00. I came hoimoe with a New shirt and pair of socks which I wore to a shower on Saturday. I think I got a good deal.

  5. You are just “too darling!” The outfit is great, so is the new do.

    I too have long hair and manage to always pull it back into a french braid or pony or bun. Seems everytime I go into have it cut, then I have to style it and I just don’t like to take the time…………lazy I guess.

    BTW-I too love thrift store shopping, 90% of our clothes come from thrift stores. Way to “step out” and share the love of “thrifting” with everyone.

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