Sheep Doctorin’: Lamb Aural Hematoma

Aural Hematoma in Newborn Lamb When we finally had a set a twins thrive and stay alive this spring we were thrilled.  We checked them over for all the basic problems: no umbilical hernia, no cleft palates, no parrot mouth, no inverted eyelashes.  I thought we were good to go.  After a day or two […]

Sheep Doctorin’: Suspected Footrot

In the nearly two years that we’ve had sheep we’ve had a few issues arise.  This year a few things came up that I called the vet about.  By calling the vet I expected to bite the bullet and have a big farm call to pay.  Instead, he told me what he would try if […]

Menu Plan Monday (2 week)

Today: Shredded BBQ Chicken sandwiches (for Brian) T: Mama’s Supper Club tilapia parmesan w/ homemade creamy garlic shells W: Grillin’ Beans (for Brian), veggies (for me), and homemade cornbread R: Homemade chicken strips w/ salvaged hashbrowns F: Homemade pizza & breadsticks (Loved that last recipe, using it again) S: Eating at my Mom’s for Easter? […]