Good news… again!

This made me laugh… Last night: Brian and I stand in the barn, checking out the 3 ewes that have yet to lamb. We agree that she (Angel) is definitely pregnant and so is she (Bonnie). The ewe lamb, born here last year, well we just aren’t sure. Hopefully she is, we’ll see. She’s not […]

Good News!

We had twins born yesterday and guess what… they’re still alive!!! Yahoo!! So let’s hope the deaths were just a long string of coincidences or at least that the problem has run it’s course. Baby Joy is growing up so fast, she was smaller than the new twins when she was born but has really […]


So much has happened, where to start! Went to the conference, had fun.  It was the Farm Bureau Young Farmer’s Conference.  The whole weekend was pretty much based on farmers defending themselves against all the bad media about our food supply.  I was nodding my head agreeing one minute and feeling very frustrated the next, […]