Weekend Plans

I have all kinds of plans for the weekend, although there isn’t as much to do as I originally thought.  This is a big weekend for me because it is the first time I’ll be planting things in the garden outdoors!  It is exciting because the first batch of meat chickens are moving out to […]

Trying a New Routine

This post is linked to Works for Me Wednesday at We Are THAT Family.  Head on over and see what other tips are being offered. I’ve been making a bigger effort to schedule my time lately.  Amy over at Raising Arrows recently wrote a great post about scheduling for large families.  A lot of her […]

This Is NOT A Hobby

This is not a rant either, so please stick with me if I sound a little crabby.  I don’t mean to be.  This is a tough topic to write about because my audience here is a mix of other farmers (who want the straight talk) and customers (whom I obviously don’t want to offend). Over […]

Starting Seeds

You may remember my seed starting schedule… To start indoors: Tomatoes start 4/1 plant out by 6/1 Eggplant start 4/1 out by 6/1 (or dc 6/1) Cukes start 5/1 out by 6/1 (or dc 6/1) Pumpkins start 5/8 out by 6/1 (or direct seed 6/1) I finished planting the tomatoes and eggplant on Saturday.  I’m […]

Planting Potatoes

I planted my potatoes last weekend, so the second weekend in April.  This year I planted some in pots versus in the ground.  I’m hoping this method will make it easier to avoid or minimize a blight outbreak if one comes our way.  Portable pots will fit in the garden better too.  If nothing else, […]

So Much… and Nothing!

There is so much going on!  Not that I’m really busy.  I’m just dabbling in a lot of things.  I keep thinking I should totally do a post about this and this and this and yet when I sit down at the computer I enjoy reading everyone else’s blogs instead.  Plus, I’m following Dancing With […]

Playin’ in the Dirt

First, thanks for sticking with me through my venting the other day.  A girl can only take so much and I just couldn’t muster up a real post right then.  Right now we’re no closer to a diagnosis.  I’m going to take some samples and send them to MSU this week so I’ll keep you […]