There is so much going on! Not that I’m really busy. I’m just dabbling in a lot of things. I keep thinking I should totally do a post about this and this and this and yet when I sit down at the computer I enjoy reading everyone else’s blogs instead. Plus, I’m following Dancing With The Stars for the first time ever this year because Kate is on there. I know she’s kind of crazy but I really like her. I think it’s because she says what so many women are thinking/feeling. She’s certainly not setting a Godly example for her children so I’d love to see her make some changes and I’m cheering for her (in life and on DWTS). Anyway… LoL
So what have I been doing? Planting potatoes in pots, starting seeds, organizing the basement (or thinking about it), trying to settle in to a housework routine that works, raising chickens, thinking about pasture arrangements, trying to eat healthier, trying to have a better attitude, trying to work in some new recipes, etc.! Enough for you? Now what do you want to hear about? I’m not promising I’ll write about it all so if you’ve got priorities you’d better speak up! 🙂
I just find it interesting reading what YOU feel like talking about. If you wind up not blogging, you wind up not blogging. But reading blogs is a way of seeing “this is me right now” — and I like the snapshot approach to “meeting” people.
If you’re too busy, which is always possible, that is NEVER bad reason to not be posting. You’ve got to keep a farm running, which is a ton more than you can say about me!