We're letting the sheep out on pasture now, and Brian is farming!
He's getting the ground ready for soybeans to go in.
We set up the poultry net for the laying flock and moved them out there.
We integrated the first two batches of chicks (that I hatched) in to the layer flock. The first ones won't start laying until mid-June.
I am so, so proud of our Buff Chantecler rooster. He's right there is the middle of all the new, young birds and he's not terrorizing them at all! <3 him!
Can't a girl get a little privacy!?
Pooh Bear is starting to shed!
The calves are wondering when they get to come outside. Soon!
The broiler chicks are still in the barn. They're not feathered out enough to go on pasture yet.
I almost forgot to introduce you to our two new additions: calves!
I saved the best for last. This is the view through our bay window.

To see who else is strolling today head on over to Quiet Country House.

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10 Responses

  1. I love the way things look around your farm! The calves are the sweetest things! I can’t believe how early things are blooming here (in nw lower Michigan)… I hope it doesn’t cause trouble for the fruit crops, but in the meantime, it sure is beautiful!

    Thank you for letting me know you had these photos posted. I really enjoyed your stroll!

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