This post is linked to Works for Me Wednesday at We Are THAT Family.  Head on over and see what other tips are being offered.

I’ve been making a bigger effort to schedule my time lately.  Amy over at Raising Arrows recently wrote a great post about scheduling for large families.  A lot of her tips would apply to individuals as well.  She mentions 2 basic types of scheduling:  a basic routine or a more formed schedule with set times for each activity.  I would hate a schedule with times on it because I would fall behind and give up.  Instead, getting in to a routine works really well for me.  This is the week Brian’s work schedule changed back to 4 days a week for the summer.  I took advantage of that to start my new routine.  Here’s a general idea of how I go through the day:

Since I get most of my cleaning and housework done in the AM I don’t have to do it all after work.  Brian usually does PM chores while I make dinner.  Then I’m free to relax, read, knit, pay bills, or help him with whatever he needs.  This works out really well for me since I don’t  have to be to work until mid-morning but get home a little later.  I have to be flexible on the days that I’m scheduled earlier but I just flip flop things with work earlier and other stuff later.  As long as I keep a rotation going the house stays looking pretty good.  I do our entryway and kitchen on Tuesday and Friday so it looks good for the weekend when people usually visit.

Do you have a routine or a timed schedule?  Does it work for you?  What about cleaning house: do you have a method to your madness that helps you stay on top of it all?

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0 Responses

  1. I’m so horrible with cleaning! I hate to clean. And now with the baby, I’m lucky if I get laundry and dishes done, forget about everything else. Fortunately my mom and Ed’s mom have been huge helps, especially if we’re having people over. Ed picks up my slack the rest of the time, but I’ve also learned to let things go and realize that time with my baby is the more important, so I don’t feel guilty!

    I’d love to get in a schedule like yours, though!

  2. Need to get into more of a routine, I’ve been slacking lately, and I can tell how it has affected a lot. 🙁 Thank you for sharing!!

    Have a great Wednesday!

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