I have all kinds of plans for the weekend, although there isn’t as much to do as I originally thought.  This is a big weekend for me because it is the first time I’ll be planting things in the garden outdoors!  It is exciting because the first batch of meat chickens are moving out to pasture.  Here’s what on the agenda:

What are you planning for the weekend?  Anything exciting?  Working in the garden at all?

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0 Responses

  1. It would certainly be nice to plant in the garden here in N. Arizona………but mother nature has different plans for us. We awoke to snow and 28.8 F. this morning. It shall have to wait, but the seedlings are growing well and tomato plants are getting big.

    We are re-fencing our front pasture this week-end so our steer calve will have a new, and improved, larger home. He weaned successfully for me two days ago (he wasn’t a BIG cry-baby), and is doing very well on “big boy” food.

    I’ll be trying some new recipes(e.g. stuffed chicken w/rosemary polenta, creamy lemon soup w/lamb-mint meatballs, goat cheese stuffed grape leaves(grilled), Earl Grey Iced Tea infused w/lavender flower & Parmesan toast w/asparagus, prosciutto and eggs.)

    My creative expression will be cooking: it will give me the needed enlivenment, peace, meaning, and incalculable wealth of time I need spent in quiet beauty.

  2. It’s supposed to be gorgeous this weekend! It might even get into the 80’s. I’m planning a nice long walk with my mom and Josh, and Ed and I are going to add manure into the garden this weekend and might get a few things planted. Otherwise, just relaxing!

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