From Don’t Panic: Dinner’s in the Freezer.


Melt the butter in a small dish.  Don’t try to skimp, trust me.  I used less and was annoyed when I had to melt more.  Mix the rest of the ingredients together in a medium bowl (except the chicken!).  Coat the chicken in the butter and then in the dry mixture.

Fold the chicken into a nice little bundle.  My pieces were rather narrow and long so I just folded them in to thirds, one end over the other.  If your pieces are wider you can fold the sides in too.  Once they’re folded you have two choices on how to keep them that way:  wrap them securely in plastic wrap OR lay the bundles on a cookie sheet and freeze until they hold their shape.  Either way, bag them in a gallon freezer bag (or your preferred freezer container) when you’re done.   I made 12 bundles with one batch of dry mix.  12 fit perfectly in to a gallon bag as 3 rows 4 wide.

Write on the bag:  “Cheesy Chicken Bundles, Date, Place in baking dish.  Drizzle with butter and sprinkle on your favorite cheese.  Bake at 350 F for about an hour or until cooked through.”  I don’t thaw mine first and it still only takes about an hour for them to cook.

My husband LOVES these things…

Him:  Whatchya makin’?

Me: Oh you know… cheesy chicken bundles

Him:  Oh YUM!!  I love cheesy chicken bundles!  *smooch for me*

Try this one… maybe you’ll get the same results! 😉

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0 Responses

  1. I use this recipe out of this freezer cooking book too! My family just loves it. The only thing I do differently is I add powdered garlic to the butter. This dish is always the first one gone from our freezer.

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