Fried Eggs
Had a nice time outside tonight… fed the horses, weeded in the garden for awhile, went out and did chores. I gathered the eggs and put them in the front pockets of my scrub top. I was just finishing up and grabbed for the chain to close the gate. Little did I realize that when […]
Courtesy of Brian
Brian called from the barn to say that if I wanted a good Sunday Stroll picture I should go out on the porch… stunning. Too see who else is strolling today visit Quiet Country House.
Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies
In my quest to become the perfect wife (*cough*) I have baked perfect loaves of bread, concocted fruit pies, and whipped real cream in to our favorite desserts. I must admit, though, that the simple chocolate chip cookie has alluded me. My cookies were always hard and crispy and, often, too thin. They were hardly […]
Room by Room Cleaning Schedule
This post is linked to Works for Me Wednesdays over at We Are That Family. As a part of my cleaning routine I like to tackle two rooms each morning. Doing two rooms each day six days a week means no room has to go for more than a few days without a thorough cleaning. […]
Notes on Strawberry Jam Day
Remember last year? My Mom and sister and I teamed up to make our jam for the whole year. This year I took the idea to our church instead. Our church is always looking for new fellowship ideas and I was hoping the event would draw people in. The thought was that I would bring […]
The dog beds are all in the laundry…. … so the dog is in the laundry too! This is what I found when I woke up. And this, from the other day… I was putting away laundry and the cat thought he would climb in the drawer, to help, I’m sure… How have your pets […]
Pretty generic title, I know. Not feeling creative I guess! 🙂 Just figured I should post something until I get around to putting up something better. Here’s a few of the latest: Our Buckeye rooster died, and no we didn’t do it on purpose. He lost his voice which was sadly quite amusing until it […]