Pretty generic title, I know.  Not feeling creative I guess! 🙂  Just figured I should post something until I get around to putting up something better.  Here’s a few of the latest:

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0 Responses

  1. I enjoy your updates! I’m still busy trying to settle in with this baby. =) It’s taking longer than I thought it would. We’re all doing well, though. The weeds are doing great in my garden as well! lol! I’ve gotten a good amount of strawberries, though, so that was a nice surprise since I didn’t do anything to those plants since last year. Do you know of a good way to get rid of slugs? I saw a bunch of them on the plants. Should I just pick them off and throw them away or is there a better way??

  2. Hi Jena,

    Nice to see you are back!

    My two gardens are doing.. eh, OK. I get very discouraged because in Chgo I am fighting a huge encroaching maple tree of my neighbors’ that year by year shades more and more of my yard. And in Wisc – well, when you only are able to weed once every 3 weeks.. the weeds win. I lost all of my onions. The tomatoes are looking pretty good though.

    Sorry about the roo, but if he was mean, maybe not. How do you like the Buckeye? That is a breed that is on my short list for possible chickens.

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