My Best Pie Yet
I thought it was almost too beautiful to eat! We did eat it though and it tasted almost as good as it looked. It was Strawberry Rhubarb. I wanted to get the bags of strawberries and rhubarb out of the freezer so I made more strawberry jam and made up some pies to freeze. I […]
How I Clean My Couch in 60 Seconds
This is part of Works for Me Wednesday. I picked up this handy “dog hair remover brush” at Walmart (eww) probably over a year ago. With 4 dogs and a cat in the house I am always looking for alternatives to those disposable sticky rollers. I really hit the jackpot with this one. The label […]
A good look at…my teeth!
I’ve mentioned before that I’d like to share some of the steps I’m taking to prepare for starting a family. While this may seem unrelated, one of the first things I’m doing is reevaluating my dental care routine. Why worry about my teeth now? According the the American Dental Hygienists’ Association an estimated 75% of […]
Breakfast at the Farm
Last Sunday we had breakfast at the farm after church instead of going out to a restaurant. I really enjoyed hosting! My family is about an hour away so I’ve rarely had the chance to host anything. I added an extra leaf (leave?) to the table an everything! Funny thing about those flowers… I picked […]
Housekeeping Trouble Spots
Our house is gradually looking better for longer periods of time since I’ve settled in to a cleaning routine. I still rarely make it through the week without missing at least one scheduled day of cleaning but things still look pretty good. However, I have noticed there are a few areas of our home that […]
Sunday Stroll: Hay
Head over to Quiet Country House to see who else is strolling today.
Oprah’s Debt Diet: I’m Not Impressed
Yesterday happened to be my short day at work and I made a point to be home in time for Oprah’s Debt Diet (Part 4, I think). I generally like Oprah and was curious to see what her plan was all about. She has the ability to influence a great number of people so I […]