Last Sunday we had breakfast at the farm after church instead of going out to a restaurant.  I really enjoyed hosting!  My family is about an hour away so I’ve rarely had the chance to host anything.  I added an extra leaf (leave?) to the table an everything!  Funny thing about those flowers… I picked them out by our grain bins.  This year I got a little behind on the weed whacking and it turns out some of those weeds produce flowers if you let them grow long enough.  I don’t know if they’re really weeds or flowers but they’re pretty so I’m letting them stay. 🙂

Brian’s Mom and Grandpa joined us.  It’s so nice to spend church and breakfast with our family all around us!  I’m very glad we had Grandpa out for breakfast because he’s been in the hospital this past week.  At age 94, we’re trying hard to cherish every moment.  He’s still quick as can be and won’t hesitate to give you a punch on the arm.

My Mom and sister moved out here a few weeks ago.  It is so cool to have them nearby – they’re only about 3 miles away!!  That sure beat an hour drive and makes visiting a lot easier.

I couldn’t resist snapping this shot.  Like I mentioned, we have to put our boots back in the bedroom closet after church each week.  Brian’s were sitting at the foot of our bed and thought it would make a great picture.

Do you have family over much?  For what?  Do you like hosting or prefer to visit somewhere else?  If you could have your dream party for family what would it be like?

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0 Responses

  1. We have family over a lot, but it’s nothing fancy usually, since we all live so close. We see everyone (both sides) a few times each week. We do Christmas here for our immediate families, a new tradition started last year and I can’t wait to have Christmas with Josh this year, it’ll be so special! Christmas is just so much more magical with little kids.

    I think my ideal family gathering at my house would be in the fall, when it’s cool enough to be outside with the changing leaves. I love to cook in the all, not sure what I woudl make but there would be apple pie and butternut squash pie!

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