Yeah… about that mess of weeds I call a garden…

These are volunteer tomatoes growing in with some weeds where I never planted anything this year.  You can’t tell but they’re laying on the ground.

I get one or two decent sized cucumbers off my two plants every day.  That is, of course, unless the dogs find them first.

Can you see the giant garden spider?  There are two of them in my tomatoes and although I’m letting them live I avoid them like the plague and scream whenever I think I accidentally got too close!

Pretty Amish Paste tomatoes.

Squash from 4 plants that a guy at Brian’s work sent home (Jay, I think?  Thanks!)

When I said I didn’t think it would be a problem to keep the potato pots watered I wasn’t expecting these extremely hot temperatures ALL summer long.  They are pretty much dying.  I dumped out one of the small pots and the potatoes are small but good looking.  I’ll probably have to buy a few tubs to get us through the year.

There is some weedy sweet corn in the long garden along with some onions that someone MOWED off.  Sure, the long garden is mostly weeds, but they are my weeds darnit and I don’t know who felt like they could mow them but I was pretty mad.  The green beans did pretty poor at first.  The ones that lived are doing OK now.  I shelled and froze some peas before they dried up.  That’s about it this year!

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0 Responses

  1. A good friend of mine told me that to grow good vegetables, you have to grow good weeds. I’m really good at growing weeds. The heat has killed so much this summer, dont’ worry about the potatoes. The fact that they did as well as that is fabulous.

  2. It’s too hot for most containers. Try an Earthtainer next year. Despite my lack of gardening skills, I’ve VERY successfully done tomatoes last year. Because we didn’t use the tomatoes much, I did climbing peas and carrots (planted together) this year and it’s worked out GREAT!

  3. Your garden looks nice! The veggies are really healthy and yummy in the photos. I can’t wait to see your harvest in your next post. The squash is really perfect and the tomatoes too. To have a good plant you should try to plant them in a compost soil.

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